Finding data on PFAS is not always easy. The PFAS Data Hub puts links to searchable databases with information on PFAS at your fingertips. Some databases provide a filter or search function for the term ‘PFAS’, while in others, you may need to use terms like "fluor" or "PFC".
If you have ideas on how to improve this webpage or additional databases to add (not fact sheets, webpages, or reports), please submit them here. Page last updated February, 2025.
Chemical Inventories
Food Packaging Forum Food Contact Chemicals Database
Contains >12,000 intentionally added food contact chemicals used globally, with hazard and regulatory information included where available. Compiled from regulatory lists and industry inventories.
Suspect List of Possible Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
An aggregated list of nearly 5000 suspect PFAS chemicals.
PFAS and Fluorinated Compounds in PubChem Classification Browser
An open and interactive repository of PFAS structures and chemical properties sortable by several common regulatory definitions.
US EPA CompTox Chemical Lists
A list of lists relevant to PFAS (e.g. PFAS that have recognized methods for water testing, HDPE Packaging, PFAS without explicit structures, 2018 OECD List, and the PFAS Master List (retired)).
US National Institutes of Health PubChem
Provides structural information, names and identifiers, chemical/physical/experimental properties, and spectral information, as well as safety, hazard, and toxicity information for nearly all chemicals.
Norman Network Database System
Organises various web-based databases for the collection and evaluation of data on emerging substances in the environment. TIP: Several databases contain PFAS, including the Suspect List Exchange and Chemical Occurrence Data.
US EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard
Information on chemical properties, environmental transport, safety, exposure, and more. TIP: Search for PFAS by individual names; information on website is not necessarily complete.
Environmental Working Group Suspected Industrial Discharges of PFAS
Map of locations of more than 40,000 industrial and municipal sites (e.g. airports, landfills, waste treatment) that are known or suspected sources of PFAS.
US EPA Enforcement Compliance History Online (ECHO) Water Pollution Search
Calculates and reports facility pollutant discharges in pounds per year or by monitoring period, based on National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit limit and Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data. Data can be filtered by location/watershed, pollutant name (individual) or category (PFAS), industry, and facility name.
US EPA Enforcement Compliance History Online (ECHO) Facility Search - Enforcement & Compliance Data
Compiles information about industrial and municipal facilities' compliance with federal, state, local, and tribal environmental agencies regulating clean air, clean water, hazardous waste, and toxic substances. Search by location, facility type, pollutant, environmental justice and more. TIP: Use list of NAICS codes associated with PFAS uses (Table 3) as facility search criteria.
PFAS Industry Sectors Dataset
Industrial sites that potentially may use PFAS. TIP: Click "Industry Sectors" at the top of the page, or download the Excel file here.
Toxics Release Inventory Releases, Transfers, & Waste
2019-2021 data on the release, waste transfer, and disposal of PFAS within the United States. TIP: Under Chemical, click on "select a chemical group," then click "PFAS."
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) PFAS Transfers Dataset
A non-exhaustive list of hazardous waste transfers that may contain PFAS.
National Response Center (NRC) PFAS Spills Dataset
A non-exhaustive list of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) spills in the United States.
EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Large Facilities
A list of large emitters of fluorinated greenhouse gases. TIP: Filter by fluorinated greenhouse gases in the greenhouse gas dropdown menu. Data can be viewed in a map or list view using the data view menu on the top right.
US EPA Chemical Data Reporting Database
Contains information on the manufacture, production volume, industrial processing, exposed workers, and consumer and commercial use of certain chemicals on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory. Caveats: A lot of data is marked "Confidential Business Information" and CDR only covers production volumes of a chemical over 25,000 lbs. Data is available for: 2020, 2016, 2012, 2006, and 1986-2002.
PFAS in Industrial and Consumer Products (Gluge et al. 2021)
Peer-reviewed paper identifying over 200 use categories and subcategories for more than 1400 individual PFAS. TIP: See data tables in the Appendix and Supplementary Files.
Substances of Concern In Products
Provides information on substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in products sold on the European Union market. TIP: After clicking the "search" icon, select the "Substance of Concern" tab and use "fluor" as the search term.
Food Packaging Forum Food Contact Chemicals Database
Contains >12,000 intentionally added food contact chemicals used globally, with hazard and regulatory information included where available. Compiled from regulatory lists and industry inventories.
ASDWA PFAS Source Water Protection Guidance Project: Technical Appendix
The Association of State Drinking Water Administrators compiled a list of NAICS industrial codes associated with PFAS usage in Table 3 of this document.
EU Cosmetics Ingredients Database
A searchable list of cosmetics ingredients. Some entries contain information on health concerns or use restrictions, but data may not be complete. TIP: Click on “Search in the CosIng database” then search by CAS #, name, or “fluor.”
US EPA Chemical and Products Database (CPDat)
Contains information mapping more than 49,000 chemicals to a set of terms categorizing their usage or function in 16,000 consumer products (e.g. shampoo, soap) based on what chemicals they contain. Direct download of zip file here.
US EPA Chemical Data Reporting Database
Contains information on the manufacture, production volume, industrial processing, exposed workers, and consumer and commercial use of certain chemicals on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory. Caveats: A lot of data is marked "Confidential Business Information" and CDR only covers production volumes of a chemical over 25,000 lbs. Data is available for: 2020, 2016, 2012, 2006, and 1986-2002.
Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substance (FCS) Notifications
A list of food contact substances that may become a component of food and are deemed safe for their intended use per the FDA's process. TIP: Search for PFAS using "fluor", though some results will be fluorine-containing minerals.
Measured Contamination
PFAS Project Lab US Contamination Site Spreadsheet
Data from known sites of PFAS contamination, sourced from government websites, news articles, or publicly available documents.
PFAS Project Lab US Contamination Site Map
A map showing areas of known PFAS contamination and suspected contamination. TIP: Click on each site for more information.
US EPA Enforcement Compliance History Online (ECHO) Water Pollution Search
Calculates and reports facility pollutant discharges in pounds per year or by monitoring period, based on National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit limit and Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data. Data can be filtered by location/watershed, pollutant name (individual) or category (PFAS), industry, and facility name.
US Federal Aviation Administration Airport Data and Information Portal
Provides information about airports certified under US Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, which regulates aircraft rescue and firefighting at airports in the United States. TIP: Go to the "Far 139 Certification" filter and pick "Yes." Far 139 facilities use PFAS in fire-fighting activities and training.
PFAS in Wildlife Map (Environmental Working Group)
Interactive map of PFAS detected in over 330 species worldwide.
California PFAS Geotracker
Map displaying PFAS sampling data collected at sites that may impact water quality in California with an emphasis on groundwater. It includes data from PFAS investigative orders, cleanup program sites, military sites, drinking water wells, and more. Data can be filtered by PFAS chemical, location, sample type, and matrix, and is downloadable in MS Excel. TIP: Data is updated frequently; exported data includes options for locations visible on the map or statewide data.
Canadian National Pollutant Release Inventory
Detailed information on pollutant releases to air, water and land, disposals, and transfers for recycling, reported by facilities from 2011 through 2021. Can search by facility, substance, location, industry type. The only PFAS are CFCs and HCFCs.
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Interactive map with PFAS data in groundwater, drinking water, soil, and more. TIP: Zoom in to see more samples, and press triangle at bottom of map to view and export data from map.
North Carolina Surface Water Sampling Data
Sampling of GenX and other PFAS onsite and downstream of the Chemours Fayetteville Works Facility.
Hawaii Contaminated Sites Map
Interactive map of PFAS contaminated sites. TIP: Search for 'PFAS' in the keyword box.
Virginia Contaminated Sites Map
Interactive map of PFAS in surface water, fish tissue, and sediment.
Europe PFAS Contamination Map
A map of confirmed and presumptive sites of PFAS contamination in the EU. Peer-reviewed article here.
US Water Quality Data Portal
Aggregated water quality data from federal, state, local, and tribal agencies. Tip for drinking water resources: on the landing page "Location Parameters," click on the "Site Type" drop down and select "Well". Click the "Next" button then click on the "Sample Media" drop down and select "Water". Click "Next" button and from "Data Profiles", select one of the "Sample Results" options and click "Download".
EU Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring
Provides environmental and biomonitoring chemical data collections from European Commission bodies, member states, international and national organizations, and research communities. TIP: PFAS may be found by chemical name or CAS after clicking on "Search data by Chemical, Media and Country".
Alaska Contaminated Sites Map
PFAS contaminated sites in Alaska, direct download here.
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Surface, ground, and drinking water, and other media data visualized on an interactive map.
Northeastern University Contamination Site Spreadsheet
Data from known sites of PFAS contamination, sourced from government websites, news articles, or publicly available documents.
US EPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule Surveys (UCMR 3 & 5)
Data for large public drinking water systems and a representative sample of small systems. UCMR 3 sampled 6 different PFAS in 2012-16. UCMR 5 is sampling 29 PFAS from 2023-25, currently available data are here.
Environmental Working Group Drinking Water Contamination Tracker
Interactive map of locations of thousands of water sources confirmed to be contaminated with PFAS. Includes drinking water and military sites.
US Water Quality Data Portal
Aggregated water quality data from federal, state, local, and tribal agencies. Tip for drinking water resources: on the landing page "Location Parameters," click on the "Site Type" drop down and select "Well". Click the "Next" button then click on the "Sample Media" drop down and select "Water". Click "Next" button and from "Data Profiles", select one of the "Sample Results" options and click "Download".
An interactive map with downloadable data on drinking water, groundwater contaminated sites, and more.
Interactive map with PFAS contamination sites. TIP: Zoom in to see PFAS sites and click on the orange icons followed by the link to documents to access data.
Interactive map with drinking and surface water data.
Interactive map with drinking water data.
Interactive map with PFAS data in groundwater, drinking water, soil, and more. TIP: Zoom in to see more samples, and press triangle at bottom of map to view and export data from map.
XLSX download and explanation document for Phase I sampling campaign.
Interactive maps with data from public water systems and a data portal to search for drinking water contaminants.
Downloadable and interactive dataset for statewide public drinking water supplies. Also, interactive map with drinking and surface water data.
Interactive maps with data for community water systems across MN and for drinking water wells in the St. Paul area.
Interactive map with downloadable data on drinking and surface water.
New Mexico
Data for sampling near Air Force bases and the statewide sampling campaign.
North Carolina
Analytical results for screening of select public water supply reservoirs.
Interactive map and table of sampling results in raw and finished drinking water.
EPA drinking water data and other Oregon PFAS testing information.
Drinking water sampling data from 2020-21. TIP: Click on the link titled "Statewide Sampling Plan Final Results".
Interactive map with data on drinking water.
West Virginia
Downloadable data on PFAS in drinking water.
Interactive map of PFAS in drinking water, contaminated sites, and fish.
Drinking water sample results.
Maps of sampling efforts and drinking water data.
Public Water Supply Systems data portal. TIP: Under "Sample Class", select "Samples by Analyte" then press the "Search for Samples" button and click on your desired analyte.
Public Water Supply Systems data portal. TIP: Instructions are here.
New Hampshire
Interactive map for surface water, drinking water, groundwater.
New York
Unofficial resource with interactive map showing PFAS contamination sites and PFAS in surface/groundwater in several case study locations and official drinking water results for just PFOA and PFOS.
South Carolina
PFAS homepage & drinking water data.
PFAS homepage & interactive map of source water sites that supply public drinking water systems. TIP: Click on Map: Testing Status on the bottom tab to view planned sampling sites.
PFAS homepage & drinking water database. TIP: Choose 'PFAS Data' as search type.
Biomonitoring and Health Impacts
PFAS-Tox Database
Displays PFAS health and toxicology studies in an interactive grid of individual PFAS by health outcomes, with filters for study type (human, animal, in vitro), early life exposure, and financial conflict of interest. TIP: Click Database tab at the top of the page. Hover over any green study in the Selected Studies box on the right to see exposure concentrations for biomonitoring studies that evaluated a health outcome.
California Biomonitoring for PFAS
Contains the results of several California biomonitoring studies that measured PFAS in different populations. Results include the number of subjects, detection frequencies and concentrations.
US Center for Disease Control National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals (NHANES)
Provides biomonitoring data on levels of selected PFAS in blood serum and urine samples from the general US population. TIP: Under "Step 1," select "Analysis of Whole Blood, Serum, and Urine Samples." Under "Step 2," click "Show Chemical List" and choose "Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Surfactants" or "Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Urine." Alternatively, in Step 2, use the Search box and search using "fluor." You must select a single chemical of interest.
New Hampshire WISDOM Database
Provides several datasets with data from blood serum concentration monitoring in contaminated communities.
European Union Human Biomonitoring Dashboard
Dashboard displaying summary statistics for human biomonitoring data collected within the European Union. TIP: Under "Select Substance Group", choose PFAS, then biomarkers and matrix of interest.
EU Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring
Provides environmental and biomonitoring chemical data collections from European Commission bodies, member states, international and national organizations, and research communities. TIP: PFAS may be found by chemical name or CAS after clicking on "Search data by Chemical, Media and Country".
PFAS-Tox Database
Displays PFAS health and toxicology studies in an interactive grid of individual PFAS by health outcomes, with filters for study type (human, animal, in vitro), early life exposure, and financial conflict of interest.
US EPA Integrated Risk Information System
Identifies and characterizes the health hazards of individual chemicals, groups of related chemicals, or complex mixtures, for the purpose of providing hazard identification and dose-response data for risk assessments. TIP: See the grey box to the right to search chemical name or CAS, or click "Browse A to Z List of Chemicals".
Australian Hazardous Chemical Information System
A searchable database of chemicals deemed hazardous in Australia, including information about hazard categories.
US EPA ECOTOX Knowledgebase
Provides environmental toxicity data on aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife. TIP: Choose the Chemicals box on the Explore page and scroll down to select PFAS.
Health Assessment Workshop Collaborative Comprehensive PFAS Dashboard
A dashboard for visualizing compiled human and animal health endpoints and studies for thousands of PFAS. The tool is filterable by health system, study design, exposure route or matrix, and chemical name.
Actions and Initiatives
PFAS Exchange Connecting Communities Map
An interactive map of communities across the US which are responding to the PFAS contamination crisis by organizing and advocating for safe drinking water. TIP: Open the interactive map then click on the "Community Resources" tab.
Water and Soil Regulatory PFAS Values
Available regulatory and guidance values developed by federal, state, and international authorities for PFAS in water and soil are summarized by the US Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) in regularly updated PFAS Water and Soil Value Tables in MS Excel files.
PFAS Policy Dashboard
Sortable, filterable table that provides information on PFAS-related US state legislation.
Safer States Bill Tracker
Provides easy access to current and proposed US State legislation on toxic chemicals including PFAS.
US EPA Superfund Sites
A map and list of superfund sites identified by the US EPA to have PFAS contamination.
PFAS Exchange State Action Map
An interactive map across the US with actions each state has taken to identify and address PFAS contamination. TIP: Click on the "State Action" tab.
European Chemicals Agency Classification and Labeling Inventory
A searchable database of classification and labeling information on EU registered substances received from manufacturers and importers. Includes current and previous regulatory legislation in the EU for each chemical. TIP: Click on "CL Inventory" then search by individual chemical name or "contains fluoro".
US EPA Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory
Lists >86,000 chemicals manufactured, processed, or imported in the United States, not including those related to foods, pesticides, drugs, etc. Tips for downloading and searching the MS Access or CSV files are on the linked webpage.
Australian Hazardous Chemical Information System
A searchable database of chemicals deemed hazardous in Australia, including information on regulatory category designations.
PFAS in Standards & Ecolabels
This table summarizes criteria for several certification/standard/ecolabel programs that help federal purchasers avoid PFAS. Note that this is not an exhaustive list of all programs that restrict PFAS.
EPA PFAS Analytic Tools
Interactive and comprehensive dashboard with data on PFAS contamination, manufacture, transfers, and spills (see top banner). Information on the tool is available here, and several resources are listed separately in this Data Hub.
PFAS Governance Tracker
Provides information on regulatory and legislative action on PFAS in the United States at the state & federal levels (filterable & searchable).
US Department of Defense Sites Under Investigation for PFAS
Lists installations where the US Department of Defense is investigating use or potential release of PFAS. Updated information here.
Food Packaging Forum Brand and Retailer Initiatives Database
A database of voluntary initiatives by food brands and retailers improving their food contact materials. TIP: Scroll down to see the database and filter by keyword "PFAS".
EPA Drinking Water Treatability Database
Presents current information on the control of contaminants in drinking water, including many treatment processes and hundreds of regulated and unregulated contaminants, including dozens of PFAS.
Maine PFAS Treatment Zone
An interactive map of treatment wells and sample results.
GreenScreen Certified Products
A list of PFAS-free products (mainly textiles and firefighting foams) that are certified to different levels under GreenScreen.
ChemSec SIN List and Marketplace
Identifies possible PFAS in many product categories and suggests safer alternatives. TIP: For alternatives, start here and search by technical function or category, or make an account here, search for a specific PFAS chemical, then click on green linked "Safer alternatives from Marketplace" for specific alternatives.