PFAS are a class of fluorinated organic chemicals used in many consumer products and industrial applications because of their oil-, stain-, and water-repellent properties. Accessing the right information on PFAS tailored to your needs can be a challenge. Our resources page simplifies the process by aggregating many of the most useful documents and websites on PFAS into filterable categories.
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PFAS Basics
Six Classes - Green Science Policy Institute
Short, four-minute videos about six of the most harmful classes of chemicals found in everyday products. In half an hour, learn where these chemicals are used, why they are harmful, and what you can do to reduce your exposure.
Data Hub - Green Science Policy Institute
A listing of searchable databases with currated information on PFAS (i.e., inventories, sources, measured contamination, biomonitoring and health impacts, actions and initiatives including regulatory thresholds and available alternatives).
PFAS Free (UK)
A website from the UK nonprofit Fidra providing PFAS-free product lists, EU regulation information, factsheets, and more.
EWG’s resources
Comprehensive information, research, and advocacy tools regarding PFAS, such as water filter suggestions, PFAS contamination maps, and more.
ChemSec PFAS movement
A comprehensive resource site providing information, research findings, and advocacy initiatives dedicated to raising awareness and promoting the phase-out of PFAS due to their environmental and health impacts.
Analytical Methods for PFAS in Products and the Environment
An overview of the analytical techniques available for different matrices prepared by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
PFAS Interferents List
A table of known interferences for PFAS in mass spectrometry. MS users are encouraged to submit their own data.
The Madrid Statement on poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)
A consensus statement signed by more than 250 scientists from 38 countries on the harms of PFAS.
An overview of the uses of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
A paper with information on 200 different PFAS use categories.
Scientific basis for managing PFAS as a chemical class
A commentary written by PFAS scientists on how the high persistence, accumulation potential, and hazards of PFAS warrant treating all PFAS as a class.
The high persistence of PFAS is sufficient for their management as a chemical class
A paper arguing how the high persistence of PFAS creates sufficient concern for their management as a chemical class and how non-essential uses should be phased out.
Insufficient Evidence for the Existence of Natural Trifluoroacetic Acid
A perspective article arguing that the paradigm of natural TFA should no longer be carried forward.
Are fluoropolymers really of low concern for human and environmental health and separate from other PFAS?
A paper discussing the problems with polymeric PFAS, including persistence, emissions associated with their lifecycle, and human exposure.
Dark Waters
A legal thriller that tells the story of environmental attorney Robert Bilott's pursuit against chemical corporations for contaminating water sources with PFAS in West Virginia.
PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
A comedic exploration of the widespread contamination issue caused by PFAS.
ChemSec: The rap battle against PFAS
A rap battle against PFAS addressing the urgent issue of PFAS use and contamination, using music to raise awareness about the environmental and health risks associated with PFAS.
Solvay, the invisible pollution
A documentary on Solvay, a global chemical manufacturer, that exposes the company's alleged claims of producing "safer, cleaner, and more sustainable products" as investigative journalists unveil the hidden and extensive pollution of PFAS near Solvay plants in Italy and the USA.
PFAS cover-up
A video uncovering what PFAS-producers Dupont and 3M knew of the dangers of their chemicals.
Why PFAS should be considered as a class
Learn why scientists, in one of the top 5 papers of 2020 in ES&T Letters, are urging businesses and governments to treat PFAS as one chemical class.
Reducing harm from PFAS for a healthier environment
Keynote address by Arlene Blum at the International Virtual PFAS Conference.
Bloomberg Investigates: The forever chemical scandal
A journalistic exploration uncovering the environmental and health consequences of PFAS, revealing a far-reaching crisis surrounding these persistent chemicals.
YouTube - Green Science Policy Institute
Videos and discussions on environmental science, policy, and solutions related to chemical safety and sustainability.
The story of Rob Bilott, the lawyer who brought the problems with C8 PFAS to the attention of the public and the EPA.
Stain-Resistant, Nonstick, Waterproof, and Lethal: The Hidden Dangers of C8
A book covers the story of C8 PFAS from the beginning.
PFAS Deskbook
A comprehensive overview of PFAS from their history to current legislation.
Toward a PFAS-free Future: Safer Alternatives to Forever Chemicals
A book on chemical hazards and alternative assessments for PFAS by sector.
Coming soon!
Resources for this category are coming soon.
PFAS in Products
PFAS-Free Products List
A curated online list featuring products made without the intentional use of PFAS.
3M products containing PFAS
A spreadsheet with information on the identification, concentration, and utility of PFAS in over 20,000 3M products.
Toxic Inequities: PFAS and flame retardants in carseats
A report from the Ecology Center on the presence and risks associated with PFAS and flame retardants in car seat materials.
PFAS in Building Materials Report
A report from the Green Science Policy Institute on PFAS in construction materials, offering information for informed decision-making in the building industry.
PFAS in Paints Report
A report from the Healthy Building Network's on the presence, risks, and alternatives related to PFAS in paints.
Consumers Report investigations
A site with investigations measuring PFAS in different products and offering product guidance and news.
An online & mobile application that identifies the potential toxicity of product ingredients by cross-referencing ingredient names with lists of harmful substances from authoritative governmental and chemical hazard databases.
An online resource by the Environmental Working Group that allows users to assess the safety of personal care products by providing detailed information about their ingredients and potential health impacts.
PFAS in Outdoor Gear - Green Science Policy Institute
Compiled resources to help the outdoor industry move toward PFAS-free products, including recent legislation, trade organizations, safer alternatives, and consultancy services.
PFAS in Furniture Fabric: Do They Work?
A resource page exploring the effectiveness of PFAS in furniture fabric, revealing that fabric choice has a more significant impact on stain reduction than PFAS finishes, and highlights the drawbacks of PFAS treatments while offering recommendations for reducing PFAS use in textiles.
PFAS in Cosmetics - Green Science Policy Institute
A page summarizing research on PFAS in cosmetics, recent legislation, and a guide for helping manufacturers determine if there are PFAS present in their products.
Exposure Guidance
Home Guide: Water Filters
An overview from EWG on considerations for purchasing a home water filter, including links to further resources and in-depth guidance.
PFAS Resources for Clinicians
A resource page for clinicians from the PFAS Exchange group.
Guidance on PFAS Exposure, Testing, and Clinical Follow-Up
A NASEM report recommending that the CDC update its clinical guidance to physicians on offering blood testing and monitoring of PFAS levels for those with an elevated risk of exposure
At-home PFAS test kit
A home finger-prick blood testing kit that tests for 16 different PFAS chemicals.
Technical Reports & Resources
AFIRM PFAS Phaseout Guidance
A guidance document for apparel manufacturers, brands, and raw material suppliers to align on the phaseout of PFAS.
NRDC PFAS in Textiles
A report highlighting the importance of the textiles industry in creating chemical management policies around PFAS as a class.
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in New Firefighter Turnout Gear Textiles
A series of NIST reports on the type and amounts of PFAS detected on new and abraded turnout gear for firefighters.
Portal on Per- and Polyfluorinated Chemicals
A portal on OECD reports on the uses of PFAS, risk assessments, and alternatives.
TOP Assay tool
A webapp developed to help users pinpoint sources of PFAS in samples from sites with unknown contamination sources
PFAS Non-targeted Analysis And Methods Interim Report
A report prepared by The Chemours Company on non-targeted PFAS analysis around its Fayetteville Works site to identify previously unknown PFAS and develop methods and standards for quantification.
National Toxicology Program Technical Report TOX-96
NTP's toxicity study of rats exposed to perfluoroalkyl sulfonates.
National Toxicology Program Technical Report TOX-97
NTP's toxicity study of rats exposed to perfluoroalkyl carboxylates.
Screening of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) and Extractable Organic Fluorine (EOF) in the Blood of Highly Exposed People
A report investigating detailed PFAS profiles in people highly exposed in Sweden.
Initiatives to Evaluate the Presence of PFAS in Municipal Wastewater and Associated Residuals (Sludge/Biosolids) in Michigan
A 2020 report for Michigan state government on PFAS assessment in wastewater and biosolids.
Furthering Understanding of Emissions from Landfilled Waste Containing POP BFRs and PFASs (FUEL)
A 2016 Irish EPA report on PFAS and other halogenated chemicals in landfills and other media.
Groundwater Treatment to Remove PFAS: Restoring Local Drinking Water Supply in Orange County, California
Story on how PFAS were handled in the drinking water supply in one California county.
Evaluation of Current Alternatives and Estimated Cost Curves for PFAS Removal and Destruction from Municipal Wastewater, Biosolids, Landfill Leachate, and Compost Contact Water
A detailed report prepared for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on PFAS remediation technology feasibility and costs for different matrices.
Technologies for PFAS Assessment, Detection, and Treatment
A 2022 US Government Accountability Office technology assessment of PFAS assessment, detection, and treatment.
PFAS Treatment Technologies
An ITRC summary of developing and established treatment technologies in environmental media.
Synthesis Report on Understanding Side-Chain Fluorinated Polymers and Their Life Cycle
A 2022 OECD report on the lifecycle of side-chain fluorinated polymers.
Socioeconomic Impact Assessment for fluoropolymers
A 2023 report by the PlasticsEurope Fluoropolymer Products Group about fluoropolymers in response to the EU restriction proposal. See more reports from this industry group here.
Thread: Relationship between PFAS & atom bomb research & development
Series of Threads on the connection between PFAS and the Manhattan Project.
Time-bombing the future: Synthetics created in the 20th century have become an evolutionary force, altering human biology and the web of life
An essay by an environmental sociologist on this history of PFAS development.