Australian Land and Groundwater Association Webinar: PFAS and Health Outcomes
April 1, 2020
This session will provide a great snapshot of the latest understanding of how PFAS exposure may result in health effects. Dr. Ducatman was involved in the large epidemiological study undertaken around one of the PFAS manufacturing sites in the US – the C8 Health Project – which looked at more than 60000 people. He was a plenary speaker at the SETAC PFAS Conference held in the US in August 2019, and he provided US CDC Grand Rounds concerning PFAS and Protecting Your Health in November, 2019. He will summarise what we understand about how these chemicals cause health effects including the mechanisms, the importance of different types of effects to our health, and the robustness of the evidence in each case.
Dr. Alan Ducatman is a physician and Professor emeritus at the West Virginia University School of Public Health. His research interests include occupational and environmental toxicity and prevention of diseases potentially related to environmental exposures. He has published more than 30 peer review papers concerning PFAS and PFAS exposure populations.
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FEES (incl. GST):
ALGA Member $22
ALGA Student Member $11
Everyone else $55
For questions and concerns please contact:
Michal Grigor
+61 490 082 260
[email protected]