Perspectives on a Class Approach to PFAS
March 24, 2021
Please join NEWMOA for a webinar on the prevalence of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment and the risks it might pose to the public.
Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necesssaily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states and should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members.
1:30 to 3:00 (Eastern) on March 24, 2021
Dr. David Andrews, Environmental Working Group (EWG) will present A Case for Managing PFAS as a Chemical Class to Protect Public Health. PFAS occur in complex mixtures within products, the environment, and people and yet the current regulatory approach focuses on a single chemical at a time. The full extent of PFAS contamination around the country has been hindered by limited public information available on just a small subset of these chemicals. This presentation will discuss the public health perspective and a recent co-authored publication in ES&T Letters, “Scientific Basis for Managing PFAS as a Chemical Class”.
Dr. Simona Balan, California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will present Regulating PFAS as a Chemical Class Under the California Safer Consumer Products Program. California DTSC, which runs the state’s innovative Safer Consumer Products program, has been researching and engaging with stakeholders regarding PFAS in consumer products since early 2016. Rather than focusing on individual PFAS, DTSC has taken a chemical class approach, which can help promote the development of safer alternatives and avoid further regrettable substitutions. This presentation will explain California's Safer Consumer Products regulatory framework and the rationale behind DTSC's decision to regulate certain consumer products containing any member of the PFAS class.
FREE for federal, state, and local government officials only (read Note 1 below). All others must pay with a credit card when registering. The fee is $75 with a reduced rate of $25 for non-profit organizations, students, and academics (read Note 2 below). If the fee is a true barrier to your attendance, please contact Jennifer Griffith at [email protected] to see if it can be reduced or waived.
Register here.
Learn more about the event here.