Japan releases results of 1st nationwide survey of PFAS chemicals in tap water
NHK World Japan | November 29, 2024

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"The Japanese government has released the results of the first nationwide survey of the levels of certain types of PFAS in tap water. Some of these chemicals are said to be potentially harmful.
PFAS are a group of organic fluorine compounds, including PFOS, or perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, and PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid. PFOS and PFOA are considered potentially harmful. The government currently sets a provisional target for the two chemicals at a total 50 nanograms per liter for tap water.
The government asked local governments and water utilities to report on whether they have conducted tap water tests for PFAS between the fiscal 2020 and 2024. It also asked them to report on the maximum levels of the chemicals if detected."