Specially treated plastic containers may spread PFAS

By Cheryl Hogue | C&EN | March 11, 2021

Read the full article by Cheryl Hogue (C&EN)

"Specially treated plastic containers could be widespread sources of toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment, the US Environmental Protection Agency says.

The EPA is asking manufacturers of pesticides and other substances stored in plastic containers treated with fluorine to check their products for PFAS even if these compounds aren’t among the ingredients. Companies that find these hazardous, extremely environmentally persistent compounds should contact the EPA “and take action to remove contaminated product,” the agency says.

Fluorinated containers are widely used—not just for pesticides and commercial chemicals but also for food products, the EPA says. The agency is working with the US Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture on checking a variety of products stored in fluorinated containers for the presence of PFAS.

Of concern are high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers that are treated inside and out with fluorine."
