Testing shows declining PFAS levels after National Guard foam spill
By Liberty Darr | The Other Paper | September 19, 2024

Read the full article by Liberty Darr (The Other Paper)
"The levels of PFAS in effluent at the South Burlington Wastewater treatment facility have been steadily declining since a toxic chemical spill in June.
The 800-gallon chemical foam spill at the Vermont National Guard’s aviation facility that partially leaked into the city’s treatment facility have leveled off after spiking at 2,000 parts per trillion.
The foam, a fuel fire suppression liquid that contains perf- and polyfluoroalkyl substances known as PFAS, which are linked to many known health problems, leaked June 20 and by the next day had already made its way to the city’s treatment facility. A post-incident investigation found that a sealed rubber gasket at the base of the holding tanks ruptured, causing the release."