Why This Company is Calling Out PFAS In Single-Use Products

By Esha Chhabra | Forbes | October 30, 2021

Read the full article by Esha Chhabra (Forbes)

“Sometimes single use plates come in handy. Be it at a picnic, a party, or when you’re on the road and getting take out. But that lunch from a seemingly innocent paper plate could be accompanied by toxic chemicals.

Repurpose, a plant-based compostable tableware company, ran a poll last month and found that 31% of Americans felt safer using single-use products during the pandemic because of germs. And 55% used them during the pandemic because it was more convenient. 

But what these consumers don’t realize, says Lauren Gropper, founder and CEO of Repurpose, is that they’re not just problematic for the environment but also for your health. Single use plates can contain PFAS, or what’s known as ‘forever chemicals,’ which can lead to a variety of health issues over years of exposure. Found in cosmetics, cookware, building materials, and so many everyday items, they’re chemicals that are now getting attention from policymakers. 

This month, the Biden administration announced that it would require chemical manufacturers to test for these chemicals and share the results publicly. Reports across the US already show contamination of drinking water with PFAS.

Turns out they’re also on disposable plates and bowls, including eco-friendly paper products. ‘Molded fiber products, such as plates and bowls, use PFAS to provide a grease and moisture barrier so that oils and liquids don’t seep through the products.'”…

This content provided by the PFAS Project.

