2 Republican legislators push to set standards for PFAS in groundwater

February 20, 2024

Read the full article by Laura Schulte (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

"A newly proposed bill could give the Department of Natural Resources the green light to move forward with setting groundwater standards for "forever chemicals," despite the high cost of implementation.

The bill, introduced by Sens. Eric Wimberger and Rob Cowles, both Republicans from Green Bay, would allow the DNR to renew its effort to set standards for groundwater after it was announced last year the effort was halted due to the cost.

"The costs of the groundwater standards could be significant. However, the benefits are substantial by finally stopping the spreading of biosolids contaminated by PFAS which leads to rural property values tanking and the potential for millions in remedial costs down the line," said the memo circulated in an attempt to gain cosponsors for the bill."
