Rep. Ted Davis pushes PFAS liability bill through committee despite NC Chamber opposition

June 12, 2024

Read the full article by Peter Castagno (Port City Daily)

"Local officials succeeded in moving a PFAS manufacturer liability bill through the North Carolina House of Representatives environmental committee, but its leading sponsor foresees a challenging road ahead for the proposed legislation.

Rep. Ted Davis Jr. (R-New Hanover) and Rep. Frank Iler (R-Brunswick) are the primary sponsors of the PFAS Polluter and Liability Act, which passed unanimously in the House environmental committee Tuesday.

The bill would give the Department of Environmental Quality authority to order PFAS manufacturers who contaminate public water systems to pay for clean-up costs. It would use the Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum contaminant levels to determine excessive contamination; EPA announced legally enforceable levels for six PFAS compounds in March."

