Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Construction and Demolition Debris (CDD): Discerning Sources and Fate During Waste Management

By Yalan Liu, Ashley Lin, Jake Thompson, John A. Bowden, and Timothy G. Townsend
J Hazard Mater
May 10, 2024
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.134567

As regulatory frameworks for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) evolve, the solid waste community seeks to manage PFAS risks effectively. Despite extensive research on PFAS in municipal solid waste (MSW) and wastewater sludge, there is limited information on a major global waste stream which seldom gleans regulatory oversight - construction and demolition debris (CDD). This study sampled a CDD processing facility to provide material-specific information on the PFAS profile within CDD. The bulk CDD accepted by this facility was separated into major categories, representatively sampled, then characterized for total available PFAS (∑92PFAS). As reprocessed CDD is ultimately recycled or landfilled, often unencapsulated or in unlined landfills, the PFAS leaching potential was also examined using two leaching procedures. Among the categories assessed for total PFAS, carpeting, carpet padding, and gypsum drywall showed elevated concentrations compared to other components, with most of the PFAS mass contributed by precursor species. However, materials with the highest total PFAS, such as carpeting, did not necessarily exhibit the highest leaching, and leachate was predominantly composed of terminal species rather than precursors. Extrapolating these findings with national CDD generation and management data inventories suggests that despite MSW having higher total available PFAS concentrations, the leachability of PFAS from landfilled CDD is comparable, raising legitimate concerns with CDD disposal practices, particularly in unlined CDD landfills.


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