[Report] PFAS in Paints: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Paints

By Healthy Building Network
May 31, 2023

Breaking news! New research has discovered that paint products contain ‘forever chemicals’ called PFAS. Healthy Building Network tested 94 paints and found approximately half tested positive for fluorine, a marker of PFAS. 

This comes as disappointing news at a time when the U.S. federal government has proposed the first ever national drinking water standard for certain PFAS1, while major corporations like REI, McDonald’s, and Target are announcing phaseouts of all PFAS.2 3 4 Even 3M, the inventor of these chemicals, has announced they will stop producing PFAS by 2025.5 We encourage paint companies to follow suit and eliminate PFAS from their products.


Read the report here.
