Showing 2746-2760 of 4346
New tool finds and fingerprints previously undetected PFAS compounds in watersheds on Cape Cod
5 Mar 2021 |
Using their new method, Sunderland and her team were able to identify 100 percent of all PFAS compounds in the types of fire-retardant foams that were used for decades at Joint Base Cape Cod and Barnstable County Fire Training Academy.
City of La Crosse files lawsuit calling out 23 companies for PFAS Contamination
4 Mar 2021 | WPR
The city claims companies knew their products posed risks to public health.
EPA says Coakley Landfill ‘impacted’ some nearby wells; PFAS chemicals found in Superfund’s cap
4 Mar 2021 | NHPR
Two wells of nearby homes are above state limits on PFOA and 1,4 dioxane.
Hydrolysis of FTOH precursors, a simple method to account for some of the unknown PFAS
3 Mar 2021 | Chemosphere
Analysis of extracts of textile samples with preliminary hydrolysis and without it showed up to 1300-fold higher level of “hidden” FTOHs.
Perfluorinated organics regulating Li2O2 formation and improving stability for Li-oxygen batteries
3 Mar 2021 | Chem Commun (Camb)
This study reveals that PFTBA increases the capacity and provides more possibilities for the application of perfluorinated chemicals in Li-O2 batteries.
Food and Drug Administration posts information about PFAS in cosmetics for the first time
3 Mar 2021 | JD Supra
There have been few studies on PFAS concentrations in cosmetics. Some types of PFAS found in cosmetics cannot be easily measured because the specific “fingerprint” of the chemical compound may not be available. This makes the chemical difficult to detect and quantify in studies.
Modeling and monitoring legacy and emerging PFAS pollution at a catchment scale: A Phoenix Webinar
3 Mar 2021
The LIFE project PHOENIX will be holding a webinar regarding modeling legacy PFAS hosted by Massimo Mazzola.
Migration histories and perfluoroalkyl acid (PFAA) loads in an estuarine fish: A novel union of analyses to understand variation in contaminant concentrations
3 Mar 2021 | Environ Pollut
This study highlights how mineral particles can be employed to examine links between contaminant concentrations in fish, and their recent migration history.
Carper, Peters release GAO showing need to address PFAS contamination
2 Mar 2021
Sen. Tom Carper and Sen. Gary Peters released on March 1 a report by the Government Accountability Office that shows the federal government needs to take further action to clean up and prevent contamination from PFAS.
Emerging contaminants, coerced ignorance and environmental health concerns: The case of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
2 Mar 2021 | Sociol Health Illn
Specifically, we analyze corporate and political officials' production of "coerced ignorance" surrounding PFAS and residents' perception of environmental and health concerns under conditions of uncertainty.
Trap-Induced Dense Monocharged Perfluorinated Electret Nanofibers for Recyclable Multifunctional Healthcare Mask
2 Mar 2021 | ACS Nano
PFAS was used to create a durable and long-lasting recyclable mask for healthcare providers.
Fabrication of a near-infrared excitation surface molecular imprinting ratiometric fluorescent probe for sensitive and rapid detecting perfluorooctane sulfonate in complex matrix
2 Mar 2021 | J Hazard Mater
A PFAS detecting probe was developed for PFOS determination in surface water, human serum, and egg samples across a range of different pHs.
Time trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEAC) in Arctic air from 25 years of monitoring
2 Mar 2021 | Sci Total Environ
PFHxS, PFCAs, and 6:2 fluorotelomer alcohol were found to have consistent or increasing levels over the monitoring period.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and calcifications of the coronary and aortic arteries in adults with prediabetes: Results from the diabetes prevention program outcomes study
2 Mar 2021 | Environ Int
Prediabetic adults with higher plasma concentrations of select PFAS had a higher risk of heart disease.
Associations between perfluoroalkyl acids in serum and lead and mercury in whole blood among US children aged 3-11 years
2 Mar 2021 | Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
Statistically significant associations between concentrations of each PFAA and blood lead were observed, leading to possible synergistic toxicity.