Showing 91-105 of 1056
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and sleep health in U.S. adults, NHANES 2005-2014
6 Sep 2023 | Environ Res
No indications were found that exposure to four legacy PFAS compounds has a detrimental impact on the self-reported sleep quality of U.S. adults.
Prenatal and Childhood Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Exposures and Blood Pressure Trajectories From Birth to Late Adolescence in a Prospective US Prebirth Cohort
29 Aug 2023 | J Am Heart Assoc
Prenatal and childhood PFAS exposures were associated with blood pressure at specific times, but associations were not consistent across all time points or PFAS types.
Exposure to Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Women With Twin Pregnancies: Patterns and Variability, Transplacental Transfer, and Predictors
28 Aug 2023 | J. Hazard. Mater.
PFOS, PFOA, and 6:2 Cl-PFESA were identified as the most dominant PFAS in both maternal and twin cord serum.
All About PFAS, the ‘Forever Chemicals’ That US and EU Are Targeting
24 Aug 2023 | The Washington Post
Meet PFAS, a class of chemicals that some scientists call the next DDT.
Chronic Exposure to a PFAS Mixture Resembling AFFF-Impacted Surface Water Decreases Body Size in Northern Leopard Frogs
23 Aug 2023 | Environ Sci Technol
Exposure to a PFAS mixture resembling those in AFFF-contaminated waters inhibits growth in amphibians undergoing metamorphosis in outdoor aquatic environments.
Temporal Decline in Serum PFAS Concentrations among Metropolitan Firefighters: Longitudinal Study on Post-Exposure Changes following PFAS Foam Cessation
22 Aug 2023 | Environ. Int.
After switching from AFFF to alternative firefighting foams, younger firefighters and those with minimal prior occupational PFAS exposure experienced substantially greater annual reductions in PFAS blood levels.
Evaluation of sealants to mitigate the release of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from AFFF-impacted concrete: characterization and forecasting
14 Aug 2023 | Water Research X
Simulated rainfall scenarios indicate that sealing concrete surfaces previously contaminated with AFFF reduces the leaching of PFAS, while unsealed concrete surfaces could continue to release PFOS for a period of 15 years or more.
Human health risk-based soil generic assessment criteria of representative perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) under the agricultural land use in typical Chinese regions
14 Aug 2023 | Environ Pollut
This study provides a technical reference for deriving soil generic assessment criteria for PFAAs and found that the dominant exposure pathway for PFBA and PFBS in some regions of China was vegetables and attached soil.
High Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Antibody Responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine-an Observational Study in Adults from Ronneby, Sweden
14 Aug 2023 | Environ Health Perspect
High levels of PFAS exposure were found not to impair the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine response for up to 6 months after the shot.
Prenatal and childhood exposure to per-/polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and its associations with childhood overweight and/or obesity: a systematic review with meta-analyses
14 Aug 2023 | Environ Health
The review revealed positive correlations between prenatal PFNA and BMI, between PFOA and BMI in children older than 3 years, as well as between prenatal PFNA and waist circumference. Negative associations were found between prenatal PFOS and BMI in children younger than 3 years and PFHxS and the risk of being overweight.
Investigation into water near 3M plant led to discovery of old and new chemicals in fish
11 Aug 2023 | Minnesota Reformer
Average PFOS concentration in Lake Rebecca fish was almost 10 times the national average.
PFAS CERCLA Expansion Comment Period Closing
4 Aug 2023
The public comment period for the CERCLA PFAS proposed rule closed on November 7, 2022, and the EPA is now undertaking a review of the comments and will have the opportunity to determine whether to modify the rule before issuing a final rule.
Prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and inflammatory biomarker concentrations
31 Jul 2023 | Environ. Epidemiol
PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS, individually and as a mixture, were positively associated with inflammatory responses during pregnancy.
Physiological effects of PFAS exposure in seabird chicks: A multi-species study of thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, body condition and telomere length in South Western France
30 Jul 2023 | Sci Total Environ
PFAS may interfere with the physiology of chicks during their developmental periods, potentially inducing long-lasting consequences.
Fetal Glucocorticoid Mediates the Association between Prenatal Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure and Neonatal Growth Index: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study
26 Jul 2023 | Environ Sci Technol
Fetal hormone levels were found to influence the association between mothers’ PFAS levels and fetal growth.