Some Gulf of Maine seafood has PFAS. Your local freshwater fish may not be safe either.
By Claire Sullivan | New Hampshire Bulletin | August 29, 2024

Read the full article by Claire Sullivan (New Hampshire Bulletin)
“Some seafood purchased at a Portsmouth seafood market in May 2022 met an unusual fate.
Instead of getting fried up, three filets each of haddock, salmon, tuna, and cod, three lobster tails, and some shrimp and scallops were transported by researchers to Dartmouth College in Hanover and frozen at negative 20 degrees Celsius. Then, they were tested for PFAS.
The researchers — spanning institutions across the state and the Northeast — found in a study published this spring that the Gulf of Maine seafood had levels of PFAS that could pose health risks to residents considering how much of the protein is consumed in New Hampshire. They observed the highest PFAS concentrations in shrimp and lobster."
This content provided by the PFAS Project.