Showing 1-15 of 69
Cleaner cuts: Farmed fish and skin-off fillets are lower in per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
28 Dec 2024 | Sci Total Environ
Farmed fish and skin-off fillets generally contain lower levels of harmful PFAS chemicals compared to wild fish and skin-on fillets, making them potentially safer dietary choices for reducing exposure to these persistent environmental pollutants.
EPA Pledges $15M to Study 'Significant Threat' to U.S. Food Supply
4 Sep 2024 | Newsweek
The U.S. EPA has awarded $15 million in research grants to research PFAS, a "significant threat" to the country's food supply.
Some Gulf of Maine seafood has PFAS. Your local freshwater fish may not be safe either.
29 Aug 2024 | New Hampshire Bulletin
They observed the highest PFAS concentrations in shrimp and lobster.
Concentration and human health risk attribute to per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in fillet of carp and tilapia fish: systematic review and meta-analysis
22 Aug 2024 | J. Food Compos. Anal.
The meta-analysis revealed that PFAS concentrations are highest in tilapia (193.45 µg/kg) and carp (47.17 µg/kg) from China, with the highest non-carcinogenic risk from PFAS consumption for adults also observed in China; risk levels in other countries are notably lower, though ongoing monitoring is needed.
EPA Recommends States Monitor PFAS in Locally Caught Edible Fish
11 Jul 2024 | Bloomberg Law
The EPA included PFAS for the first time alongside cyanotoxins, arsenic, lead, pesticides and other pollutants in its national guidance and recommendations for which contaminants states should monitor in their fish and shellfish advisory programs.
Maine’s new fishing limits are examples of ongoing state actions to combat PFAS
21 Jun 2024
Maine has recently updated and expanded its fish consumption advisories as part of that state’s broader work to limit its resident’s exposure to PFAS.
Relationship between crustacean consumption and serum perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): the Korean National Environmental Health Survey (KoNEHS) cycle 4
19 Apr 2024 | Ann Occup Environ Med
Frequent consumption of crustaceans is linked to higher concentrations of PFAS such as PFOS, PFNA, and PFDeA in the blood of the general Korean population.
Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances in canned tuna and their impact on food safety
16 Jan 2024 | Food Control
The study highlights the potential risk of food contamination from PFAS, particularly in canned tuna, emphasizing concerns about their toxicity as endocrine disruptors, immunosuppressants, and carcinogens, with detected PFOS and PFNA levels below the established Tolerable Weekly Intake for the average Italian consumer but posing a potential concern for high consumers due to multiple sources of PFAS intake.
State adopts $70 million plan to help farmers deal with PFAS contamination
14 Jul 2023 | Press Herald
The state has finalized a plan on how to spend $70 million in relief funds for Maine farmers whose lives have been upended by toxic chemicals left behind by a now-defunct state-approved sludge spreading program.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) measured in seafood from a cross-section of retail stores in the United States
13 Jul 2023 | J Hazard Mater
PFAS levels in several grocery store seafood samples were found to exceed safe levels, and PFBS from food storage bags contaminated the fish, potentially leading to a substantial impact on human exposure.
Current per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) research points to a growing threat in animals
13 Mar 2023 | J Am Vet Med Assoc
Given the widespread PFAS exposure in livestock as well as pets, this review summarizes the current literature on PFAS in animals and discusses the implications for veterinary patients.
PFAS Biotransformation Pathways: A Species Comparison Study
12 Jan 2023 | Toxics
A metabolic pathway map was made to aid researchers in determining possible PFAS breakdown products in fish when no metabolic data is present.
Contaminants in fish from US rivers: Probability-based national assessments
28 Nov 2022 | Sci. Total Environ.
PFAS is detected in 95.2–99.7 % of fish samples annually.
Shaheen Helps Lead Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Support Farmers Affected by PFAS
21 Oct 2022
In a bipartisan, bicameral effort to provide vital assistance to farmers affected by PFAS exposure, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) joined U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Angus King (I-ME) to introduce the Relief for Farmers Hit with PFAS Act.
Analysis of Per- and Poly(fluoroalkyl) Substances (PFASs) in Highly Consumed Seafood Products from U.S. Markets
17 Oct 2022 | J Agric Food Chem
Bottom-feeding organisms tend to have the highest PFAS concentrations, followed by lean fish, fatty fish, and aquaculture with PFUdA and PFDoA being the most frequently detected chemicals.