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Nationwide distribution of perfluoroalkyl ether carboxylic acids in Chinese diets: An emerging concern

22 Apr 2024 | Environment International

PFECAs, particularly HFPO-DA, were found in high concentrations in Chinese diet samples, with estimated daily intake levels nearing or exceeding safety benchmarks set by the US EPA, especially in cereals.

Partitioning of PFAS to serum, tissues, eggs, and hatchlings of an Australian freshwater turtle

15 Apr 2024 | J. Hazard. Mater.

Higher levels of certain PFAS were discovered in male turtles compared to females, with PFOS being the most prevalent in the turtles' tissues, while PFHxA was predominant in the surrounding water. All of the long chain PFAS were transferred from yolk to hatchling, suggesting an intergenerational effect.

Associations of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and their mixture with risk of rheumatoid arthritis in the US adult population

13 Apr 2024 | Environmental Health

Exposure to certain PFAS chemicals is associated with a reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis, especially in females, according to a study analyzing data from over 10,000 adults.

In-Vitro Effects of Perfluorooctanoic Acid on Human Sperm Function: What Are the Clinical Consequences?

11 Apr 2024 | J. Clin. Med.

Exposure to PFOA in-vitro reduces sperm motility and damages sperm quality, suggesting a possible negative impact on male fertility.

Association of Combined Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Metals with Chronic Kidney Disease

11 Apr 2024 | IJERPH

Exposure to PFAS and metals like cadmium and mercury is associated with chronic kidney disease, with cadmium showing a consistent link and mercury having a significant but complex relationship, emphasizing the need for targeted public health interventions.

Determination of per-and polyfluoroalkyl compounds in paper recycling grades using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry

11 Apr 2024 | Environ Sci Pollut Res Int

PFAS concentrations in paper products were found to be highest in post-consumer recycled paper, highlighting the need to reduce the use of paper additives and improve the collection and sorting of paper for recycled materials.

Estimating the dynamic early life exposure to PFOA and PFOS of the HELIX children: Emerging profiles via prenatal exposure, breastfeeding, and diet

9 Apr 2024 | Environ. Int.

Children's exposure to PFAS from birth to 12 years old was estimated using a model that revealed fluctuations in plasma concentrations influenced by factors such as fetal development, breastfeeding, and food intake, thereby highlighting the importance of investigating early-life exposure to enhance risk assessment.

PFAS Contamination in Europe: Generating Knowledge and Mapping Known and Likely Contamination with “Expert-Reviewed” Journalism

9 Apr 2024 | Environ Sci Technol

The "Forever Pollution Project" (FPP), a collaborative effort between journalists and scientific advisers, used investigative techniques to reveal widespread PFAS contamination across Europe, emphasizing the importance of data transparency and collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and journalists in addressing environmental issues.

Underestimated burden of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in global surface waters and groundwaters

8 Apr 2024 | Nature

This study compiled data from over 45,000 surface and groundwater samples worldwide to assess the global prevalence of PFAS contamination, revealing that many samples exceed safe drinking water guidelines.

Constraining global transport of perfluoroalkyl acids on sea spray aerosol using field measurements

5 Apr 2024 | Science Advances

PFAAs were found to be present in sea spray aerosols in global oceans at levels significantly higher than in seawater, indicating that sea spray aerosols emissions may be a major source of PFAAs in the atmosphere, comparable to or greater than other known sources such as manufacturing emissions and precursor degradation.

Peril in the Pipeline: Unraveling the threads of PFAS contamination in US drinking water systems

4 Apr 2024 | PLoS One

PFAS contamination levels were linked to factors such as the size and water sources of public water systems, population density, and regional industrial activities, with non-white communities experiencing lower contamination levels, highlighting the broader impact of industrial and household activities on water quality.

On the Chemical Pathways Influencing the Effective Global Warming Potential of Commercial Hydrofluoroolefin Gases

4 Apr 2024 | ChemSusChem

The introduction of hydrofluoroolefins as a low Global Warming Potential substitute for hydrofluorocarbons raised concerns about the long-term atmospheric fate of their primary degradation products, particularly TFE, TFF, and TF due to the potential secondary formation of HFC-23, a potent greenhouse pollutant. This analysis indicates a need for further research to assess the climate risks associated with HFOs.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and bone mineral content in early adolescence: Modification by diet and physical activity

3 Apr 2024 | Environ Res

In a study of 197 adolescents, exposure to PFAS was associated with lower bone mineral content, which can be mitigated by consuming a healthy mineral rich diet and engaging in higher intensity physical activity during adolescence.

Global quantification of emerging and legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in indoor dust: Levels, profiles and human exposure

1 Apr 2024 | Sci Total Environ

PFAS were found in house dust across six global regions, with variations in concentration and composition likely influenced by geography and socioeconomic factors, implying potential exposure risks for toddlers, although overall health risks seem minimal.

Investigating the sources and fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food waste compost

1 Apr 2024 | Waste Manag

Researchers investigating PFAS in food waste compost at a pilot-scale facility found that PFAS concentrations increased with compost maturity with food contact materials having the highest PFAS levels. This highlights the need for source-separation practices to effectively mitigate PFAS contamination.

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