Showing 211-214 of 214
Socioeconomic position and exposure to multiple environmental chemical contaminants in six European mother-child cohorts
19 Apr 2019 | Int J Hyg Environ Health
A European cohort study found that higher socioeconomic positions correlates to higher exposure to certain contaminants, such as PFAS, than compared to lower socioeconomic positions.
Fluorinated substances pollute for billions of Euros every year
12 Apr 2019 | Nordic Council
Almost all people have so called PFAS-substances in their bodies today. A new Nordic report estimates annual health-related costs to 2.8 – 4.6 billion EUR for the Nordic countries and 52 – 84 billion EUR for all EEA countries. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), also…
The Cost of Inaction: A socioeconomic analysis of environmental and health impacts linked to exposure to PFAS
13 Mar 2019
A recent Nordic Council study estimates the very high cost of harm to human health and the environment from PFAS exposure across Europe.
EU: Drinking water directive
27 Feb 2019
A proposal for revision of the DWD will go to the European Parliament for adoption later this year.