Showing 1561-1575 of 1621
Supervised machine learning for source allocation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in environmental samples
31 Mar 2020 | Chemosphere
Computer learning was used to determine the original source of PFAS pollution.
Northeast Conference on the Science of PFAS: Public Health & the Environment
31 Mar 2020
NEWMOA, in collaboration with others, has organized a conference to ensure that action to address PFAS contamination is informed by the most current and reliable science. There is also an open call for conference presenters, posters, and sponsors.
3M announces progress on PFAS initiatives and actions
19 Mar 2020 | Business's Wire (
3M has launched a research clearinghouse webpage and is releasing previously unavailable PFAS reference standards.
Accumulation and associated phytotoxicity of novel chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonate in wheat seedlings
17 Mar 2020 | Chemosphere
The accumulation of Cl-PFAEs in wheat increased with increasing exposure level and mainly accumulated in roots.
Field Sampling Materials Unlikely Source of Contamination for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Field Samples
25 Feb 2020 | Environ. Sci. & Tech. Let.
Sixty-six common materials used to sample and analyze for PFAS were found not to be a significant source of PFAS contamination in field samples.
Transplacental Transfer of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Identified in Paired Maternal and Cord Sera Using Suspect and Non-Target Screening
12 Feb 2020 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
10 legacy and 19 novel PFAS were found to efficiently cross the placental barrier from mother to child.
Perfluoroalkyl substances increase susceptibility of northern leopard frog tadpoles to trematode infection
4 Feb 2020 | Environ Toxicol Chem.
Exposure to PFAS leads to decreased ability to fight off parasites in juvenile frogs.
The Toxicology Forum: 44th Annual Winter Meeting
3 Feb 2020
During the Toxicology Forum on Monday, January 27, 2020, a session focused on the new methodologies in risk characterization of PFAS as well as challenges and opportunities in PFAS research.
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in maternal serum: Method development and application in Pilot Study of the Japan Environment and Children's Study
3 Feb 2020 | J.of Chrom. A
A new method of detecting 28 different PFAS in human blood was developed.
Computational systems biology as an animal-free approach to characterize toxicological effects of persistent organic pollutants
3 Feb 2020 | ALTEX
Researchers used computers to predict the toxicity of persistent organic pollutants such as PFAS.
Removal of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from water by adsorption: Role of PFAS chain length, effect of organic matter and challenges in adsorbent regeneration
16 Jan 2020 | Water Res.
Short-chain PFAS found to absorb to organic material less efficiently making it harder to remediate from water.
Characterizing biopersistence potential of the metabolite 5:3 fluorotelomer carboxylic acid after repeated oral exposure to the 6:2 fluorotelomer alcohol
15 Jan 2020 | Tox. and Applied Pharm.
The biopersistence potential was calculated for the 5:3 acid after repeated oral exposure to the parent compound, 6:2 FTOH.
Treatment train approaches for the remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): A critical review
7 Jan 2020 | J Haz. Mat.
After a review of 150 scientific articles, researchers propose a multistep process to maximize PFAS remediation.
Trace level analyses of selected perfluoroalkyl acids in food: Method development and data generation
26 Dec 2019 | Environ. Poll.
Methods for detecting PFAS in cow milk, butter, chicken egg, chicken meat, beef, and fish were developed and validated.
Novel and legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in bald eagle eggs from the Great Lakes region
26 Dec 2019 | Environ. Poll.
PFASs concentrations in bald eagles rivaled the total concentration of brominated flame retardants and included three new or emerging chemicals.