Showing 1576-1590 of 1621
Food Safety Concerns: Crop Breeding as a Potential Strategy to Address Issues Associated with the Recently Lowered Reference Doses for Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Perfluorooctane sulfonate
26 Dec 2019 | J Agric Food Chem.
A review of agricultural crops that are not prone to accumulate PFOA and PFOS, including their specific identification and traits, to help decrease PFAS levels in humans.
Ten Questions Concerning the Implications of Carpet on Indoor Chemistry and Microbiology
26 Dec 2019 | Build. and Envi.
Carpets can act as reservoirs for uptake and re-emission of chemical and biological agents, such as PFAS.
U.S. EPA releases new analytical method for PFAS in drinking water
18 Dec 2019 | U.S. EPA
The new validated Method 533 focuses on short chain PFAS, those with carbon chain lengths of 4-12. Using it in combination with existing Method 537.1, both government and private laboratories can now effectively measure 29 PFAS in their drinking water.
Biomonitoring of emerging contaminants, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), in New Jersey adults in 2016–2018
5 Nov 2019 | Intern.Journal of Hygi. and Environ. Health
New Jersey adults had higher PFOA, PFNA, and PFHxS levels compared to other U.S. adults, on average.
Electrochemical Oxidation of Hexafluoropropylene Oxide Dimer Acid (GenX): Mechanistic Insights and Efficient Treatment Train with Nanofiltration
13 Oct 2019 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
Nanofiltration found to be a cost-effective treatment for water contaminated with GenX and other PFAS.
Firefighting foam leaves toxic legacy in Californians’ drinking water
8 Oct 2019 | Los Angeles Times
California regulators say there is little they can do to speed up the military’s testing or cleanup efforts around its contaminated bases. Because the EPA has delayed setting a standard for cleaning up groundwater contamination, the military has avoided large-scale remediation costs.
Efficient removal of GenX (HFPO-DA) and other perfluorinated ether acids from drinking and recycled waters using anion exchange resins
30 Sep 2019 | Jour. of Haz. Mat.
Complete remediation of GenX achieved from drinking water.
PFAS Experts Symposium: Statements on regulatory policy, chemistry and analytics, toxicology, transport/fate, and remediation for per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination issues
23 Sep 2019 | Remediation
Sixty leading experts provide a consensus statement regarding issues concerning PFAS.
Evaluation of perfluoroalkyl substances in field-cultivated vegetables
16 Sep 2019 | Chemosphere
Different PFAS accumulate in various types of vegetables.
Analysis of hexafluoropropylene oxide-dimer acid (HFPO-DA) by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS): Review of Current Approaches and Environmental Levels
16 Sep 2019 | Trends Analyt. Chem.
China and Denmark found to have higher levels of GenX in water sources.
Assessing the contribution of atmospheric transport and tourism activities to the occurrence of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in an Alpine Nature Reserve
9 Sep 2019 | Sci. Total Environ.
Ski tourism is a significant source of PFAS contamination in a remote alpine lake in China
Estimating the relative magnitudes of adsorption to solid-water and air/oil-water interfaces for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances
9 Sep 2019 | Environ. Pollut.
The ability of PFAS to move throughout the environment was investigated.
Spatiotemporal distribution and isomer profiles of perfluoroalkyl acids in airborne particulate matter in Chengdu City, China
3 Sep 2019 | Sci. of Total Env.
PFNA was the dominate airborne PFAS in spring while PFOA dominated winter, summer, and autumn months.
Reusable Functionalized Hydrogel Sorbents for Removing Long- and Short-Chain Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) and GenX from Aqueous Solution
3 Sep 2019 | ACS
New reusable filtration methods were developed to remediate PFAS-contaminated water.
Risks of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) for Sustainable Water Recycling via Aquifers
28 Aug 2019 | Water
A review of the potential risks to drinking water systems using recycled water and urban stormwater in aquifers that may be contaminated with PFAS.