Showing 1771-1785 of 3147
Gulp! Wellesley water bills could rise 60% due to PFAS
12 Dec 2021 | The Swellesley Report
We’re expecting our MWRA bill to go up by over $1M dollars, and that’s going to result in a significant rate increase for our customers…to the order of …it could be as high as 60% increase on the water bill just for the water we’ve already used because [the Morses Pond treatment plant] is shut down.
PFOA induces alteration in DNA methylation regulators and SARS-CoV-2 targets and in mouse lung tissues
12 Dec 2021 | Toxicol Rep
PFOA was found to change gene expression in lungs, potentially increasing susceptibility to COVID-19.
[Press Release] Chemical companies tout green credentials whilst developing hazardous chemicals behind closed doors
9 Dec 2021 | ChemSec
Chemical companies around the world are actively marketing their greener, more sustainable products, whilst holding back details on the mass production of hazardous chemicals, ChemSec’s ranking of chemical companies reveals today.
Why PFAS are so Impervious, and Who is Most at Risk from Forever Chemicals
9 Dec 2021 | PBS
Miles O'Brien looks at the impact they've had in one community in New Hampshire.
EPA-Linked Consultant Undercuts Agency’s PFAS Concerns
8 Dec 2021 | E&E News and Greenwire
An industry toxicologist promoting artificial turf fields has repeatedly cited her work for EPA while downplaying the risks of PFAS used to produce plastic grass blades, making contentious claims often at odds with the agency’s own findings.
PFAS Standards In Pennsylvania Now Set
6 Dec 2021
The standards aim to be guidelines by which site remediators can gauge PFAS removal steps in instances of soil pollution.
PFAS Ban For Food Packaging Proposed
6 Dec 2021
The bill, while incredibly brief, would accelerate efforts already underway by the food packaging industry to develop feasible substitutes for PFAS in its products.
Exposure of male mice to perfluorooctanoic acid induces anxiety-like behaviors by increasing corticotropin-releasing factor in the basolateral amygdala complex
6 Dec 2021 | Chemosphere
PFOA exposure in mice led to a metabolic cascade of effects resulting in anxiety-like behaviors.
Perfluorooctane sulfonate induces heart toxicity involving cardiac apoptosis and inflammation in rats
6 Dec 2021 | Exp Ther Med
Exposure to PFOS left rats with heart inflammation and other markers of cardiac toxicity.
Tumorigenic activity of alternative per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Mechanistic in vitro studies
6 Dec 2021 | Sci Total Environ
PFHxS has been associated with breast cancer in epidemiological studies, and this study demonstrated how this shorter-chain PFAS can affect cell proteins and cell proliferation.
In Vivo Transformation of a Novel Polyfluoroether Surfactant
6 Dec 2021 | Environ Toxicol Chem
Rats that received a novel PFAS surfactant orally rather than intravenously had higher breakdown products in their blood suggesting the importance of metabolism in the gut and liver.
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) exposure of bovine oocytes affects early embryonic development at human-relevant levels in an in vitro model
6 Dec 2021 | Toxicology
Human-relevant levels of PFOS alter early bovine embryo development in vitro.
The EPA Finally Plans to Regulate Toxic, Widespread 'Forever Chemicals'
1 Dec 2021 | Very Well Health
Among the most sinister and widespread threats to public health in the United States is a class of toxic chemicals called polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS.
Deer Consumption Advisory
1 Dec 2021
The State of Maine has detected high levels of PFAS in some deer harvested in the greater Fairfield area and is issuing a do not eat advisory for deer harvested in the area.
PFASs pollution in Galveston Bay surface waters and biota (shellfish and fish) following AFFFs use during the ITC fire at Deer Park (March 17th-20th 2019), Houston, TX
30 Nov 2021 | Sci Total Environ
High PFAS levels were measured in water following AFFF usage on a nearby petrochemical fire and a risk assessment suggested a fish consumption advisory to protect against human exposure.