Showing 361-375 of 538
Maternal exposure of mice to sodium p-perfluorous nonenoxybenzene sulfonate causes endocrine disruption in both dams and offspring
18 May 2021 | Endocr J
Exposure to PFAS was associated with endocrine disruption in mothers and their offspring.
Exposure to legacy and novel perfluoroalkyl substance disturbs the metabolic homeostasis in pregnant women and fetuses: A metabolome-wide association study
18 May 2021 | Environ Int
A total of 279 features in maternal serum and 338 features in cord serum were identified as metabolites associated with PFAS exposure.
Study finds alarming levels of ‘forever chemicals’ in US mothers’ breast milk
13 May 2021 | The Guardian
The peer-reviewed study detected PFAS in all 50 samples tested with levels ranging from 50ppt to more than 1,850ppt.
Serum concentrations of per−/polyfluoroalkyl substances and risk of type 2 diabetes: A case-control study
4 May 2021 | Sci. Tot. Env.
PFHxS and PFHpA exposure were associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Interference of C6O4 on platelet aggregation pathways: Cues on the new-generation of perfluoro-alkyl substance
4 May 2021 | Environ Int
A PFAS alternative, C6O4, was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events.
Immunotoxicity of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Insights into Short-Chain PFAS Exposure
3 May 2021 | Toxics
Understudied PFAS have toxicological potential but require additional investigation across endpoints and species, including humans, to understand health effects via drinking water exposure.
Bioactivity Profiling of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Identifies Potential Toxicity Pathways Related to Molecular Structure
28 Apr 2021 | Toxicology
Using 142 PFAS, key structural features were associated with receptor activity which can inform the design of new structures devoid of biological activity.
Systemic PFOS and PFOA exposure and disturbed lipid homeostasis in humans: what do we know and what not?
27 Apr 2021 | Crt. Rev. Tox.
This paper aims to present the main issues regarding the modulation of lipid homeostasis by the two most common PFASs, PFOS and PFOA, with emphasis on the underlying mechanisms relevant for humans.
Life-course exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances in relation to markers of glucose homeostasis in early adulthood
27 Apr 2021 | J Clin Endocrinol Metab
PFOS exposure was associated with decreased insulin sensitivity.
PFAS-Tox Database
21 Apr 2021
The PFAS-Tox Database was developed as a free, online, publicly available tool to explore the health and toxicology research published on 29 PFAS beyond PFOA and PFOS.
Lipid responses to environmental perfluoroalkyl substance exposure in a Taiwanese Child cohort
20 Apr 2021 | Environ Pollut
Different lipid patterns were discovered in children exposed to different levels of specific PFASs, such as PFTrDA, PFOS, and PFDA.
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) thwarts the beneficial effects of calorie restriction and Metformin
20 Apr 2021 | Toxicol Sci
PFOS exposure inhibited the beneficial effects of diabetes treatments.
Assessing Indoor Dust Interference with Human Nuclear Hormone Receptors in Cell-Based Luciferase Reporter Assays
19 Apr 2021 | Environ Health Perspect
PFAS was found to exhibit hormonal activities in humans from indoor dust.
Indoor dust contains PFAS and other toxic chemicals
14 Apr 2021 | The Intercept
These are hormonally active compounds that can lead to adverse health effects, including infertility, diabetes, obesity, abnormal fetal growth, and cancers.
The interplay between environmental exposures and COVID-19 risks in the health of children
7 Apr 2021 | Env. Health
An international group of researchers interested in children’s environmental health was invited to identify knowledge gaps and to develop research questions to close these gaps.