New York: The Nation's Most Protective MCLs for PFOA/PFOS Accepted

July 8, 2019

New York's Health Commissioner, Dr. Zucker has accepted the Drinking Water Quality Council's recommendation to adopt MCLs of 10 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOA and 10 ppt for PFOS.

These levels are the lowest in the nation and take into consideration the national adult population's "body burden," or the fact that all adults already have some level of exposure to these and other related chemicals.

There will be a 60 day public comment period after the MCLs are proposed (expected on Jyly 24). 

Source: link

Related news:

New York proposes new drinking water standards for 3 chemicals. Newsday by David M. Schwartz. July 9, 2019. (link)

New York to set limits for industrial chemicals in water.  Associated Press. Jul 8, 2019. (link)

