Showing 1-15 of 26
PFAS concentrations in the blood of Danish surfers
20 Jan 2025 | Int J Hyg Environ Health
PFAS concentrations in the blood of Danish surfers were measured, revealing no significant relationship between the amount of time spent surfing and higher PFAS levels, but male sex and eating meat from free-ranging animals were found to be potential risk factors for increased exposure.
Don’t let children play in sea foam because of PFAS
24 Jul 2024 | Dutch News
Government officials have sharpened their warnings about not letting children play in sea foam while at the beach because it could contain high concentrations of toxic PFAS, broadcaster NOS said on Wednesday.
Dutch court rules Chemours liable for environmental damage caused by PFAS
27 Sep 2023 | Reuters
U.S. chemical company Chemours is liable for environmental damage in the Netherlands caused by PFAS chemicals between 1984 and at least 1998, the Rotterdam District Court ruled on Wednesday.
EU proposal would ban 10,000 PFAS
7 Feb 2023
Restrictions aim to reduce emissions to the environment and make products safer for people.
What Happens In Utero Does Not Stay In Utero: a Review of Evidence for Prenatal Epigenetic Programming by Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Infants, Children, and Adolescents
22 Nov 2022 | Curr Environ Health Rep
This review covers the relationship between prenatal exposure to PFAS and epigenetic modifications in infants, children, and adolescents over 18 years of age.
Study links in utero ‘forever chemical’ exposure to low sperm count and mobility
5 Oct 2022 | The Guardian
A new peer-reviewed Danish study finds that a mother’s exposure to toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ during early pregnancy can lead to lower sperm count and quality later in her child’s life.
Maternal Exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Male Reproductive Function in Young Adulthood: Combined Exposure to Seven PFAS
5 Oct 2022 | Environ Health Perspect
Consistent inverse associations between exposure to maternal PFAS and semen quality were found in a sample of the Danish population.
Virtual briefing - Update on the universal PFAS restriction proposal and F-gases
12 Apr 2022
The video is an update on the progress with the EU restriction proposal for PFAS which is being developed by Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, with a special focus on F-gases and their applications.
[Working Paper] Nordic enforcement project on PFOS and PFOA in chemical products and articles
25 Jan 2022
The Nordic Enforcement Group found that 10% of chemical products and articles were non-compliant with restrictions on PFOA and PFOS, with more products containing other PFAS that are not yet restricted.
[Working Paper] Nordic enforcement project on PFOS and PFOA in chemical products and articles
25 Jan 2022 | Norden
The Nordic Enforcement Group found that 10% of chemical products and articles were non-compliant with restrictions on PFOA and PFOS, with more products containing other PFAS that are not yet restricted.
Efforts underway in Europe to ban PFAS compounds
23 Jul 2021 | Chemistry World
The five European countries are proposing to ban the entire class of chemicals.
PFAS exposure found to increase risk of severe Covid-19
12 Jan 2021 | Chemistry World
There are also warning that PFASs could diminish the effectiveness of a vaccine against the novel coronavirus.
Management of PFAS with the aid of chemical product registries - an indispensable tool for future control of hazardous substances
14 Dec 2020 | Integr Environ Assess Manag
As new policies were developed requiring greater chemical transparency, industry diversified its PFAS use and substitutions, according to Norwegian PFAS data from 2009-2017.
PFAS chemical associated with sever Covid-19
7 Dec 2020 | The Intercept
A Danish study found that people with elevated levels of PFBA were more than twice as likely to have a severe form of Covid-19.
Exposure to environmental immunotoxicants may worsen outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection
2 Nov 2020 | News Medical Life Sciences
Increased plasma PFBA levels were associated with more severe COVID-19 prognosis, even after adjustment for comorbidities, sex, age, origin, sampling time, and location. Although PFBA levels in plasma were lower than most PFAS studied, PBFA accumulates in the lungs, and hence it is suspected that PBFA exposure may contribute to the severity of disease.