Showing 1591-1605 of 1625
‘Markedly higher’ levels of 2 PFAS found in blood of NC residents, CDC reports
26 Jul 2019
The study conducted by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services with the CDC found two PFAS (PFHxS and n-PFOS) “markedly higher” in the people drinking contaminated water in N.C. than the national estimates. GenX was not detected in the blood or urine of any of the participants, but nine PFAS were detected in blood.
Notes from the Field: Targeted Biomonitoring for GenX and Other Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Following Detection of Drinking Water Contamination - North Carolina, 2018
26 Jul 2019 | MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep.
Biomonitoring of 837 private well and select owners for the presence of GenX and 17 other common PFAS, due to exposure by manufacturing facilities.
‘I need PFAS polluters to be held accountable’ Congress told at hearing
25 Jul 2019 | MLive
At a recent U.S. Congressional subcommittee meeting, Sandy Wynn-Stelt, the West Michigan woman with eye-widening number of fluorochemicals in her blood, detailed her sense of loss as she realized that her husband may have died from the high levels in their drinking water due to contamination from an old dump once filled with Scotchguard from Wolverine Worldwide’s factory.
[Recording & Support Documents] The US House Subcommittee on Environment Hearing: The Devil They Knew – PFAS Contamination and the Need for Corporate Accountability
24 Jul 2019
U.S. House hearing on the widespread industrial contamination of air, drinking water, ground water and food supplies across the United States with PFAS.
Federal PFAS hearing to focus on ‘widespread industrial contamination’
22 Jul 2019 | MLive
PFAS pollution across a 25-square mile swath of West Michigan traced to Wolverine World Wide’s manufacturing over decades raises questions of federal policy, state action and corporate responsibility… Sandy Wynn-Stelt’s home is just yards from a former Wolverine dump that is poisoning her water. Her blood tested at 750 times the…
Angry with PFAS delays, Oscoda residents give the state an earful
17 Jul 2019 | MLive
People in Oscoda, MI are fed up. One by one, they filed to the microphone Tuesday night and gave a panel of state health and environmental specialists an earful. The U.S. Air Force — the polluter, which contaminated the area by using chemical-based firefighting foam at Wurtsmith Air Force Base — was absent from the meeting.
Study examines PFAS data from 3 states
17 Jul 2019 | Coastal Review Online
North Carolina, Colorado and Michigan, three states with PFAS water contaminated are the focus of a three-year study to better understand the extent of contamination, the routes of exposure for the affected communities, and how these man-made chemicals move in the environment.
The Air Force polluted 4 SC bases with a toxic firefighting foam, didn’t tell neighbors
13 Jul 2019 | The Post and Courier
Four Air Force bases in South Carolina are severely contaminated with chemicals that scientists continue to investigate for possible links to thyroid disease, pregnancy complications, and kidney and testicular cancers.
Trump promises to veto a bill banning the military from using toxic products with PFAS
11 Jul 2019 | Pacific Standard
US President Donald Trump threatened to veto a defense spending bill with an amendment that restricts the use of a toxic chemical compound found in firefighting foams. Several provisions in the bill, introduced in the House of Representatives, would require the United States Department of Defense to switch to safer foams without PFAS... The bill would also require the military to pay to clean up sites where its activities have contaminated the water, including farms and watersheds, and classify the areas as Superfund sites.
Mediation proposed for Wolverine PFAS municipal water dispute
11 Jul 2019 | MLive
Wolverine World Wide will enter ‘structured, confidential’ mediation under proposed settlement discussions with the state of Michigan and two Kent County townships, which want the shoemaker to pay for extending municipal water to areas where its tannery waste has contaminated the groundwater.
3M to test for more chemicals leaking into river in Decatur
8 Jul 2019 | Alabama Media Group
3M has agreed to test three closed landfills near its Decatur plant on the Tennessee River to see whether they may still be releasing PFOA and PFOS into the river or groundwater.
Early life exposures to perfluoroalkyl substances in relation to adipokine hormone levels at birth and during childhood
19 Jun 2019 | J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.
Early life hormone disruption caused by PFAS exposure linked to adverse health outcomes.
Reporter’s notebook: PFAS conference unveils global perspective
17 Jun 2019 | The Intelligencer
Report from the second National Conference on PFAS chemicals at Northeastern University in Boston.
Amid PFAS nightmare, unlikely activists are born in Michigan
14 Jun 2019 | Bridge Magazine
That none of them can easily pronounce the name of the conference they’re attending says as much about their unlikely roles in fighting PFAS toxins as do their real jobs – moms, a teacher, an office assistant, a psychologist for people with disabilities…
Physico-chemical properties and gestational diabetes predict transplacental transfer and partitioning of perfluoroalkyl substances
11 Jun 2019 | Environ Int
The ability of PFAS to travel through the circulatory system and between mother and fetus was investigated.