Showing 2251-2265 of 3147
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Human Serum Samples of Selected Populations from Ghana
17 Feb 2021 | Int J Environ Res Public Health
PFOS, PFHxS, PFHpS, and PFDA were found in the general public and electronic repair workers.
Degradation of perfluoroheptanoic acid in water by electron beam irradiation
16 Feb 2021 | Environ. Chem. Lett.
PFHpA was successfully degraded using electron beam irradiation leading researchers to believe that it may be a promising technique against other short-chain PFAS.
Exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances in early pregnancy and risk of sporadic first trimester miscarriage
16 Feb 2021 | Sci Rep
Unknown mechanisms contribute to PFOA exposure and miscarriage during the second half of the first trimester.
Effects of in vitro exposure of perfluorooctanoic acid and monocrotophos on astroglia SVG p12 cells
16 Feb 2021 | J Appl Toxicol
PFOA was found to inhibit the function of neurons potentially leading to neurodegenerative diseases.
Uptake and translocation of perfluoroalkyl acids by hydroponically grown lettuce and spinach exposed to spiked solution and treated wastewaters
16 Feb 2021 | Sci Total Environ
Significant associations exist between PFAS exposure and individual components of Metabolic syndrome, mainly elevated blood pressure and fat in the blood.
‘Am I going to regret it?’: forever chemicals dilemma for breastfeeding mothers
15 Feb 2021 | The Guardian
Added exposure to PFAS through breastmilk can lead to a much higher level of the chemical in the infant compared with exposure in utero, causing additional risk during sensitive early development.
The Price of Really Clean Water: Combining Nanofiltration with Granular Activated Carbon and Anion Exchange Resins for the Removal of Per- And Polyfluoralkyl Substances (PFASs) in Drinking Water Production
15 Feb 2021 | ACS ES&T Water
An analysis of nanofiltration for PFAS removal during drinking water treatment as well as the mechanistic and economic aspects of nanofiltration treatment and the management of the resulting concentrate.
Poly- and perfluorinated substances in environmental water from the Hartbeespoort and Roodeplaat Dams, South Africa
15 Feb 2021 | Water SA
PFAS concentrations in the present study are comparable to those reported in other parts of South Africa, and also Ghana, higher than the concentrations reported in Uganda, Singapore, and Vietnam, and lower than those in Germany, Japan, and China.
New University of Arizona studies looking at possible PFAS-COVID-19 link
15 Feb 2021 | Arizona Daily Star
Underlying this research are previous scientific findings that PFAS at high enough concentrations in people have been documented to weaken immune systems’ resistance to disease.
$4 billon settlement to protect Chemours, DuPont, Corteva against legacy PFAS liabilities
13 Feb 2021
DuPont, Chemours and Corteva reached the agreement in 2020 and made the announcement three weeks into the new year. It attempts to protect all three against “potential legacy PFAS liabilities,” a joint statement from the three CEOs says.
Topo Chico Cuts PFAS Levels by More Than Half in New Tests by Consumer Reports
12 Feb 2021 | Consumer Reports
Coca-Cola has reduced the level of PFAS chemicals in Topo Chico Mineral Water, the beverage maker’s popular sparkling mineral water, according to new tests by Consumer Reports.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface water, gas and particle in open ocean and coastal environment
9 Feb 2021 | Chemosphere
Regional comparison of air/water properties of PFAS in the oceanic environment indicated potential partitioning of ionic PFAS between surface seawater and oceanic air.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in serum and associations with food consumption and use of personal care products in the Norwegian biomonitoring study from the EU project EuroMix
9 Feb 2021 | Environ Res
The participants in the EuroMix study were exposed to PFASs through their diet and personal care product use.
Prenatal exposure to poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and neurobehavior in US children through 8 years of age: the HOME Study
9 Feb 2021 | Environ Res
Prenatal PFOS and PFNA were consistently associated with ADHD across two validated assessment instruments.
Sorbent assisted immobilisation of perfluoroalkyl acids in soils - effect on leaching and bioavailability
9 Feb 2021 | J Hazard Mater
A preliminary assessment of the long-term stability of the treatment, assessed after a three-year curing period, suggested that the sorbent continued to be effective in reducing PFAS in leachates, thus showing the potential of this sorbent to hinder further environmental contamination.