Showing 2446-2460 of 3147
Schumer: Stewart Air Guard base PFAS cleanup could be delayed indefinitely
22 Oct 2020 | Mid Hudson News
Because the City of Newburgh, NY switched off its main drinking water source after the discovery of toxic PFAS in Washington Lake, it may be penalized and ultimately left out in the next round of priority cleanup site selections, as it is no longer considered a drinking water source. Without knowing why toxic water is still flowing from Stewart Air National Guard Base and where it is flowing to, the United States Air Force can’t find a permanent fix.
PFAS chemicals reach remote oceans and accumulate in whales, dolphins, and other ocean life
22 Oct 2020 | Massive Science
Once in the ocean, PFAS can persist for decades or longer — and travel long distances.
New PFAS compound in N.J. water may be more toxic than older one, regulators say
21 Oct 2020 | Consumer Reports
A chemical introduced by the manufacturer Solvay Specialty Polymers USA to replace a now-regulated PFAS substance has been found in New Jersey drinking water, and the company’s own research suggests that it can cause liver damage, according to emails obtained by Consumer Reports.
PFAS concentration during pregnancy in relation to cardiometabolic health and birth outcomes
20 Oct 2020 | Environ Res
PFAS was found ubiquitously in American pregnant women with PFNA being associated with pre-term birth.
CEOs discuss new approaches for PFAS destruction
20 Oct 2020 | Medill Reports Chicago
Techniques to remove PFAS from water exist, but scientists are still on the search for a solution that will permanently prevent the chemicals from being recycled back into the environment.
Effect of perfluorohexane sulfonate on pig oocyte maturation, gap-junctional intercellular communication, mitochondrial membrane potential and DNA damage in cumulus cells in vitro
20 Oct 2020 | Toxicol In Vitro
Exposure to PFHxS induced DNA damage in immature egg cells.
Perfluoroalkyl acids in pregnant women from Nunavik (Quebec, Canada): Trends in exposure and associations with country foods consumption
20 Oct 2020 | Environ Int
The exposure of pregnant women to long-chain PFAAs (PFNA, PFDA, and PFUdA) increased from 2004 to 2017, potentially through a diet high in fish.
A Cross-Sectional Study of the Association between Perfluorinated Chemical Exposure and Cancers related to Deregulation of Estrogen Receptors
20 Oct 2020 | Environ Res
PFAS were associated with increased odds of ovarian and breast cancers with a positive dose-response relationship.
Novel Perfluoroalkyl Ether Carboxylic Acids (PFECAs) and Sulfonic Acids (PFESAs): Occurrence and Association with Serum Biochemical Parameters in Residents Living Near a Fluorochemical Plant in China
20 Oct 2020 | Environ Sci Technol
Analysis of 997 blood samples suggests potential health risks from exposure to novel PFESAs and PFECAs (especially PFO5DoDA).
‘We can never get to zero’: Organics recyclers face hard choices in responding to PFAS contamination
19 Oct 2020 | WasteDrive
In January of this year, the Michigan city of Ann Arbor announced a grim discovery: traces of a notorious group of toxic chemicals had cropped up in the city’s compost facility.
Identifying and Managing Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)-Derived PFAS in the Environment
19 Oct 2020 | Environ Toxicol Chem
This article presents research and development efforts to date by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program to measure PFAS in the environment, characterize AFFF sources, understand PFAS fate and transport, assess the ecological risk, develop treatment technologies for remediation, and examine the ecotoxicity of PFAS-free foams.
EU commits to overhaul of chemicals legislation
16 Oct 2020
The European commission adopted the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability on 14 October. This ambitious programme has been touted as the biggest reform of chemical regulations since Reach (registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals).
[Press Release] Study: More than 200 million Americans could have toxic PFAS in their drinking water
16 Oct 2020 | EurekAlert
PFAS pollution is affecting even more Americans than we previously estimated. They are likely detectable in all major water supplies in the U.S., almost certainly in all that use surface water.
Sequestration and potential release of PFAS from spent engineered sorbents
14 Oct 2020 | Sci of Tot Env
Used water filters were found to potentially be a secondary source of PFAS contamination.
Gillibrand joins letter urging management of dangerous fire suppressant chemicals that contaminated Fort Drum
14 Oct 2020 | NNY 360
The letter details how PFAS have become a major contaminant in drinking water sources for more than 650 American military bases across the world.