Showing 2506-2520 of 3147
EU agency sets limit on PFAS in food
17 Sep 2020 | Chemical & Engineering News
Recommended threshold applies to combined exposure to 4 PFAS, based on their ability to decrease people’s immune system response to vaccinations.
[Press Release] PFAS in food: EFSA assesses risks and sets tolerable intake
17 Sep 2020
When stetting the new, extremely low threshold for PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, and PFHxS, the European Food Safety Authority considered the decreased response of the immune system to vaccination as the most critical human health effect.
Coronavirus creates delay in Pentagon research for alternative to 'forever chemicals,' official says
15 Sep 2020 | The Hill
The coronavirus has caused a delay in researching alternatives to using cancer-linked chemicals in military firefighting foam, the director of the Defense Department’s Strategic Environment Research and Development Program said Tuesday.
Animal size impacts perfluoroalkyl acid (PFAA) concentrations in muscle tissue of estuarine fish and invertebrate species
15 Sep 2020 | Env. Poll.
Weight and PFAS concentrations were inversely related in estuarine and marine invertebrates.
Legacy and Novel Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Juvenile Seabirds from the US Atlantic Coast
15 Sep 2020 | Environ Sci Technol .
These results detail concentrations of legacy and novel PFAS across different marine ecosystems along the US Atlantic East Coast.
Lethal and sublethal toxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in chronic tests with Hyalella azteca (amphipod) and early-life stage tests with Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow).
15 Sep 2020 | Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.
Long-term toxicity of PFOA exposure was investigated using model organisms.
Association between exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and blood glucose in pregnant women
15 Sep 2020 | Int J Hyg Environ Health
PFAS exposure was linked to impaired glucose metabolism among young adults.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in contaminated coastal marine waters of the Saudi Arabian Red Sea: a baseline study
15 Sep 2020 | Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
PFHxA, PFHxS, and 6:2 FTS were the most prevalent PFAS in the Red Sea.
Assessing the Ecological Risks of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Current State-of-the Science and a Proposed Path Forward.
15 Sep 2020 | Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
This paper summarizes discussions concerning ecotoxicology and ecological risks of PFAS.
Association between exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and metabolic syndrome and related outcomes among older residents living near a Science Park in Taiwan
15 Sep 2020 | Int J Hyg Environ Health
PFNA and PFOS were found to be positively associated with uric acid levels, especially in elderly males.
Immunotoxicity of an Electrochemically Fluorinated Aqueous Film-Forming Foam
14 Sep 2020 | Toxicol. Sci.
Male mice exposed to PFAS-containing fire fighting foams saw a decrease in body weight by 15% and an increase of liver weight up to 200%.
[Press Release] Minn. study is first to show cause-and-effect link between ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water and reproductive harms
11 Sep 2020 | Environmental Working Group
A peer-reviewed study reports that the rate of premature and low-weight births in Oakdale, Minn., dropped dramatically and fertility rates increased after the city began filtering PFAS from its tap water.
$700 million plan unveiled to deal with ‘forever chemicals’ in east metro drinking water
11 Sep 2020 | Star Tribune
The plan still isn’t final — it’s open for a 45-day comment period through Oct. 26 — but it’s a major milestone in the $850 million settlement Minnesota reached with 3M Co. in 2018 over the man-made chemicals.
CFPUA asks to join Chemours lawsuit as new, previously unknown PFAS identified in the water
10 Sep 2020 | Port City Daily
The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority is contending that it should be granted equal standing in negotiations for a lawsuit against Chemours, in which the state is arguing that Chemours has allowed undue levels of PFAS into the drinking water of some New Hanover County residents.
Perfluoroalkyl acids and sulfonamides and dietary, biological and ecological associations in peregrine falcons from the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin, Canada
9 Sep 2020 | Environ. Res.
The study's findings highlighted the importance of integrating dietary, biological, and ecological factors when studying PFAS exposure in birds.