Showing 241-246 of 246
Development of an oral reference dose for the perfluorinated compound GenX
18 Jun 2019 | J Appl Toxicol
An oral reference dose was developed for GenX to aid risk assessors and regulators in establishing a health-protective drinking water standard.
PFAS Nation: Toxic discharges suspected from almost 500 industrial facilities across U.S.
11 Jun 2019
At least 475 industrial facilities across the nation could be discharging the toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS into the air and water, according to an EWG analysis of government data... [This] count of industrial sites does not include 446 public water systems known to be contaminated with PFAS, more than 100 military installations with known or suspected water contamination identified by the Pentagon, or hundreds of Defense Department fire training stations with known or suspected use of PFAS-based firefighting foam, identified by the Intercept...
New Hampshire sues 3M, DuPont, 6 other companies over PFAS contamination
29 May 2019 | Union Leader
The state of New Hampshire is taking some of the biggest chemical companies in the world to court, seeking hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up groundwater and other forms of contamination from a group of highly toxic chemicals used in everything from firefighting foam to Teflon pans.
Companies refuse to pay clean-up costs mandated by New Jersey directive
16 May 2019 | Chemical Watch
Four major chemical companies operating in New Jersey have said they will not pay for a statewide investigation and clean up of PFASs contamination. Their refusal comes despite being ordered to do so via a directive from the state’s Department of Environmental Protection…
U.S. Congress: H.R. 2570, the "PFAS User Fee Act of 2019"
8 May 2019
Rep. Rouda, Harley (D-CA) introduced a bill that would ensure that polluters pay ongoing water treatment costs associated with exposure from PFAS pollution.
DuPont has spread its pollution around the world. Now it wants to filter your contaminated drinking water
11 Dec 2018 | The Intercept
DuPont opened a factory in Saudi Arabia that will produce reverse osmosis water filters. The filters use ultra-thin membranes to remove water impurities, including PFAS — chemicals made and used by DuPont that have caused widespread water contamination around the world... “DuPont has learned the art of making money coming and going,” said Telsey. “They profited off the environmental contamination and now can profit on cleaning it up. It’s quite a feat.”...