Showing 2536-2550 of 3147
Biomonitoring of chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonic acid in the general population in central and eastern China: Occurrence and associations with age/sex
1 Sep 2020 | Env. Int.
This study provides extensive data regarding human exposure to 6:2 Cl-PFESA in the general population in central and eastern China.
Early-life exposure to perfluorinated alkyl substances modulates lipid metabolism in progression to celiac disease
1 Sep 2020 | Env. Res.
Higher PFAS exposure during prenatal and early life may accelerate the progression to celiac disease in genetically predisposed children.
Prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and behavioral difficulties in childhood at 7 and 11 years
1 Sep 2020 | Env. Res.
Prenatal PFNA exposure was associated with externalizing behavioral difficulties in childhood in repeated cognitive measurements at 7 and 11 years.
Analysis of 58 poly-/perfluoroalkyl substances and their occurrence in surface water in a high-technology industrial park
1 Sep 2020 | Env. Poll.
P3MHpA was found to be the main pollutant in waters around Shanghai, China.
Photochemical decomposition of perfluorochemicals in contaminated water
1 Sep 2020 | Water Res.
This review aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date summary on the various photocatalytic processes for PFAS removal.
[Press Release] EPA adds Blades, Delaware, site to Superfund National Priorities List
1 Sep 2020 | EPA
The primary groundwater contaminants of concern in the Blades area are metals associated with electroplating compounds. PFOS and PFOA have also been found in groundwater and public and residential supply wells.
Pentagon will test firefighters’ blood for PFAS. But then what?
1 Sep 2020 | E&E News
The fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act mandates that the military stops using PFAS containing foam by Oct. 2024 and requires DOD to test current military firefighters' blood starting in Oct. 1, 2020. There is however no guidance in place that will help to interpret the results.
GenX study shows harm to mice, offspring
1 Sep 2020 | Coastal Review Online
The study compared the toxicity of PFOA and its replacement compound (GenX) in pregnant mice and their developing placenta and embryos. Researchers were surprised that the effects of PFOA and GenX were similar at low doses.
Charting a Path: PFAS Testing Methods
1 Sep 2020
Join an informal, multi-stakeholder group webinar where information sharing and discussion across manufacturers, retailers, health care organizations, governments, and NGOs provide a platform for real solutions to PFAS in food service ware and packaging applications.
Ski wax use contributes to environmental contamination by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
31 Aug 2020 | Chemosphere
PFAS-containing ski wax was found to be a significant source of pollution in snowmelt and nearby water sources.
California lawmakers vote to phase out toxic firefighting foam
31 Aug 2020 | LA Times
The measure requires municipal fire departments, chemical plants and oil refineries to gradually stop using the foam.
PFAS concentrations in soils: Background levels versus contaminated sites
31 Aug 2020 | Sci. of Tot. Env.
PFAS was found to be concentrated in soils above the water table.
US research challenge focuses on PFAS foam destruction without incineration
28 Aug 2020 | C&EN
The US government and several states are offering researchers up to $50,000 to design novel ways to destroy PFAS in firefighting foams.
Vermont Agency of Natural Resource's Advance Notice on the Regulation of PFAS as a Class
26 Aug 2020
After reviewing the current peer-reviewed literature, as well as the available toxicology data for PFAS, the Agency's Review Team determined that at the current time it is not feasible to regulate PFAS as a Class, other than the five compounds presently regulated to the health-based standard.
[Report] Screening of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) and Extractable Organic Fluorine (EOF) in the Blood of Highly Exposed People
26 Aug 2020 | Swedish Environ. Prot. Agency
This report summarises the findings of an investigation into the occurrence of PFAS in the blood of people living in the municipality of Ronneby, Sweden.