Showing 856-870 of 996
‘Forever chemicals’ found in drinking water across Kentucky
21 Nov 2019 | WFPL
In total, PFAS were found in 41 of the 81 water treatment plants sampled. In about 82 percent of those samples, researchers found levels under five ppt. The highest levels (PFOS + PFOA at 42 ppt or sum of all PFAS at 66 ppt) were measured in Eastern Kentucky along the Ohio River in South Shore.
Pentagon admits it undercounted military bases contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’
21 Nov 2019 | EWG Blog
“The Defense Department worked with 3M to create fluorinated foams and has known it was toxic for decades but failed to alert service members or clean up legacy pollution,” said Scott Faber, EWG’s senior vice president for government affairs. “Now we learn they haven’t even tallied up the full scope of PFAS contamination on military bases."
Mark Ruffalo’s environmental drama ‘Dark Waters’ gets DC premiere
20 Nov 2019 | The Hill
In his new film, Ruffalo plays lawyer Robert Bilott, who spent 20 years fighting a class action lawsuit against the DuPont chemical company, winning a more than $600 million settlement in 2017. The suit was over toxic runoff from a DuPont landfill with PFAS chemicals, which linger and contaminate water and food sources long after their initial use. There is no federal regulation of these chemicals, though the US EPA acknowledges that exposure to them can be dangerous for humans and that the chemicals can be found in food and water supplies.
PFAS chemicals raise questions about water safety
15 Nov 2019 | Seacoast Online
“Unfortunately, we have only begun to explore the extent of the PFAS problem,” said Patrick MacRoy, the deputy director of the Environmental Health Strategy Center. “Relatively few water supplies in Maine have been tested, and the state has yet to test most of the agricultural lands that were contaminated by PFAS-laden sludge. In addition to polluting the groundwater, this contamination may also be contaminating crops and animal feed, allowing PFAS to enter our food supply. The state must take aggressive action to uncover where we are being exposed to PFAS.
Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking Water, Indoor Air and Dust from Ireland: Implications for Human Exposure
11 Nov 2019 | Environ. Sci. & Tech.
PFAS was detected in the air inside cars, school classrooms, and drinking water.
Tap water at Trump National Golf Course contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’
6 Nov 2019 | Newsweek
PFOA levels reached 3.5 and 3.6 ppt at Jersey golf course.
Treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in landfill leachate: status, chemistry and prospects
31 Oct 2019 | Envir. Sci.: Water Research & Tech.
A comprehensive review of PFAS in municipal landfills due to the massive uses of PFAS in everyday consumer products
Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from tap water using heterogeneously catalyzed ozonation
31 Oct 2019 | Envir. Sci.: Water Research & Tech
A new method of removing PFAS from contaminated drinking water was explored.
The determination of two emerging perfluoroalkyl substances and related halogenated sulfonic acids and their significance for the drinking water supply chain
31 Oct 2019 | Environ Sci Process Impacts
Detection techniques were developed to assess the occurrence and levels of PFAS in European waters.
PFAS chemicals showing up in public water supplies in Maine, according to CDC
30 Oct 2019 | News Center Maine
The samples were taken mostly at schools, water treatment plants and mobile home parks. More than a dozen local water districts declined to let their water be tested.
Mark Ruffalo, Todd Haynes talk ‘Dark Waters’: ‘Our environmental future is at stake’
29 Oct 2019 | Variety
“It is the truth,” Bilott said, assessing how accurate he feels the film is. “They did an amazing job condensing [20 years] into two hours. I was a little skeptical at first…about whether I should do something like this, but it was clear that [Mark] was doing it for the right reason: to bring the story out, to do it accurately and [he] wanted to show what really happened.”
Up to 40,000 to sue Australian Government over PFAS contamination
29 Oct 2019 |
The largest class action ever launched in Australia will be filed against the Federal Government by Christmas. The lawyers will argue that residents living in PFAS contaminated areas have seen their property prices fall, in some cases by up to 50 per cent. They believe the Federal Government should provide enough compensation to allow residents to leave these unsafe communities.
ITRC and Washington Ecology PFAS Training: Managing PFAS Contamination at Your Sites
24 Oct 2019
Washington State Department of Ecology is pleased to partner with the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) on the joint upcoming PFAS training event.
Top U.S. toxicologist was barred from saying PFAS cause disease in humans. She’s saying it now
24 Oct 2019 | The Intercept
“I was banned from doing it,” said Birnbaum. “I had to use ‘association’ all the time. If I was talking about human data or impacts on people, I had to always say there was an association with a laundry list of effects.”
More than 2 dozen groups urge Wisconsin lawmakers to act on PFAS contamination
24 Oct 2019 | Wisconsin State Journal
The coalition is pushing for adoption of a bill known as the CLEAR Act, which would require the DNR to establish and enforce standards for at least six PFAS. Additionally, the CLEAR Act, would allow the DNR to require anyone who possesses PFAS to prove they have the financial means to clean up any potential contamination. Lawmakers are also considering a Republican-sponsored bill that would limit where firefighters and others could test or train with foam containing PFAS.