Showing 1051-1065 of 1564
Per/polyfluoroalkyl substances production, applications and environmental impacts
31 Aug 2021 | Bioresource Tech.
Current chemical and biological remediation technologies are expensive/not effective and thus new remediation technologies must be developed.
Report Urges ‘Swift Cleanup’ of PFAS in Dultuth, Other Great Lakes Sites
31 Aug 2021 | Star Tribune
A national environmental group is urging ‘swift PFAS cleanup’ at six Great Lakes military installations contaminated by the toxic chemicals, including the Duluth Air National Guard base where the chemicals were used in firefighting foam.
Rapid Determination of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Harbour Porpoise Liver Tissue by HybridSPE-UPLC-MS/MS
31 Aug 2021 | Toxics
A new analytical method was optimized for use on mammalian tissues with up to 89% detection.
Forever Chemicals’ From Navy Lab Flowing Into the Chesapeake Bay
30 Aug 2021 | The Southern Maryland Chronicle
On the base, the Navy reported that shallow monitoring wells in the fire suppression testing area detected up to a 175,000 ppt combination of PFOS, PFOA and one other compound.
2nd Stakeholder Consultation on a Restriction for PFAS
25 Aug 2021
The competent authorities for REACH of the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are currently preparing a REACH Annex XV Restriction Dossier for the group of PFAS since all these substances are considered to be persistent.
Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in marine plastic litter from coastal areas of Central Chile
25 Aug 2021 | Mar Pollut Bull
Long-chain PFAS, which can be metabolically degraded into PFOS, were found on six South American beaches in plastic debris.
Removal of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) by wetlands: Prospects on plants, microbes and the interplay
25 Aug 2021 | Sci Total Environ
The choice of plants and bacterial species is however crucial for the bioremediation of PFAS, and the system efficiency relies on species-specific, sediment-specific, and pollutant-specific principles.
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water and risk for polycystic ovarian syndrome, uterine leiomyoma, and endometriosis: A Swedish cohort study
25 Aug 2021 | Environ Int
Exposure to high levels of PFAS in drinking water was associated with an increased risk of enlarged and irritated ovaries.
Correlates of plasma concentrations of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances among reproductive-aged Black women
24 Aug 2021 | Environ Res
PFAS exposure was strongly associated with reproductive factors such as reduced concentrations with parity, recent birth, lactation, and heavy menstrual bleeding in black women.
Virtual Event No Defense Screening
18 Aug 2021
The Great Lakes PFAS Action Network is hosting a virtual, seven-day screening, No Defense, The U.S. Military’s War on Water, by Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim, to raise awareness and prompt action on the PFAS crisis occurring across the Great Lakes region.
Maine PFAS Products Bill Most Far-Reaching To Date
18 Aug 2021
Maine passed what was touted as the most aggressive PFAS bill related to products thus far in the country.
Perfluorinated compounds disrupted osmoregulation in Oryzias melastigma during acclimation to hypoosmotic environment
18 Aug 2021 | Ecotoxicol Environ Saf
PFOS showed a greater impact on fish’s ability to extract oxygen from fresh and saltwater than the shorter chain homolog PFBS.
PFASs intake from fish, eggs and drinking water in Greece in relation to the safety limits for weekly intake proposed in the EFSA scientific opinion of 2020
17 Aug 2021 | Chemosphere
The total exposure levels of PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, and PFHxS exceeded legal limits for fish and egg consumption.
Investigation of distribution, sources and flux of perfluorinated compounds in major southern Indian rivers and their risk assessment
17 Aug 2021 | Chemosphere
Seasonal fluxes of PFAS concentrations were found throughout India with levels ranging from non-detect to 10,545 pg/l.
Computational estimates of daily aggregate exposure to PFOA/PFOS from 2011 to 2017 using a basic intake model
16 Aug 2021 | J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol
Indoor and outdoor air, water, dust, and soil concentrations of PFOA and PFOS decreased along with total body burdens for adults and children in computer-generated models.