Showing 1081-1095 of 1559
Enhancing Scientific Support for the Stockholm Convention’s Implementation: An Analysis of Policy Needs for Scientific Evidence
21 Feb 2022 | ES&T
Scientists discuss the success of the Stockholm Convention for addressing global threats of PFAS and provide guidance for further support of the Convention.
Utilizing Pine Needles to Temporally and Spatially Profile Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
21 Feb 2022 | Environ Sci Technol
Non-targeted analysis of archived and new pine needle samples revealed over 70 PFAS, including both legacy PFAAs and their emerging replacements such as chlorinated derivatives, ultrashort chain PFAS, perfluoroalkyl ether acids, and more.
Firefighters’ Catch-22: Protective gear full of carcinogens
16 Feb 2022 | E&E News
Firefighters are exposed to cancer-causing chemicals in the very clothing and gear that is meant to protect them, a paradox that stems from standards set under industry influence.
Noise-Reduced Quantitative Fluorine NMR Spectroscopy Reveals the Presence of Additional Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances in Environmental and Biological Samples When Compared with Routine Mass Spectrometry Methods
15 Feb 2022 | Anal Chem
Novel techniques were applied to increase the sensitivity of fluorine NMR such that more PFAS were found in aqueous samples compared to traditional LC-MS methods, suggesting NMR as a simple and accurate tool to measure total organic fluorine.
Human exposure to F-53B in China and the evaluation of its potential toxicity: An overview
15 Feb 2022 | Environ Int
A review of a novel PFAS demonstrated hepatotoxicity, endocrine disruption, reproductive, and developmental toxicity, and suggested further research given the extreme biopersistence of F-53B.
Sulfonamide functional head on short-chain perfluorinated substance drives developmental toxicity
15 Feb 2022 | iScience
FBSA significantly disrupted normal gene expression in a human model species while other short-chain PFAS induced changes in larval behavior.
Fire Test Performance of Eleven PFAS-Free Class B Firefighting Foams Varying Fuels, Admixture, Water Types and Foam Generation Techniques
14 Feb 2022 | Fire Tech.
PFAS-free firefighting foams were found to meet performance requirements depending on the foam generation technique and the type of fuel or water on which the foams were applied.
Bioremediation of perfluorochemicals: current state and the way forward
7 Feb 2022 | Bioprocess Biosyst Eng
This review examines the efficiencies of the different bacterial, plant, and fungal species in PFAS bioremediation under different conditions, their limitations, and their improvement.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment
7 Feb 2022 | Science
This review summarizes the sources, transport, degradation, and toxicological implications of the megatonne of PFAS produced yearly, highlighting the importance of investigating potential PFAS replacements, the importance of lifecycle considerations, and that PFAS remediation efforts are still in their infancy.
Serum levels of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and body composition - A cross-sectional study in a middle-aged population
1 Feb 2022 | Environ Res
PFOA, PFNA, and PFDA were inversely related to fat mass measurements in women but not men, while PFOS and PFHxS had no consistent associations with body composition.
[Working Paper] Nordic enforcement project on PFOS and PFOA in chemical products and articles
25 Jan 2022
The Nordic Enforcement Group found that 10% of chemical products and articles were non-compliant with restrictions on PFOA and PFOS, with more products containing other PFAS that are not yet restricted.
PFAS Molecules: A Major Concern for the Human Health and the Environment
25 Jan 2022 | Toxics
This review summarizes the current knowledge on PFAS chemistry uses, occurrence, and environmental fate, with a particular emphasis on effects on humans as well as an analysis of the European Union’s efforts to regulate and remediate PFAS.
Sulfonamide Functional Head on Short-Chain Perfluorinated Substance Drives Developmental Toxicity
25 Jan 2022 | iScience
FBSA exposure leads to changes in DNA that result in abnormal body structure and disrupted gene expression in human model species.
Background release and potential point sources of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances to municipal wastewater treatment plants across Australia
24 Jan 2022 | Chemosphere
About 60% of PFAS in Australian wastewater treatment plant influent was due to background release (at a rate of 8.1-24 μg/day/person) with the remaining ~40% due to point sources including industrial activities.
Indiana firefighters could get annual blood testing for PFAS under proposed pilot program
20 Jan 2022
Indiana firefighters could get annual blood testing for exposure to synthetic PFAS chemicals through a proposed pilot program, according to a new bill introduced in the Statehouse.