Showing 1411-1425 of 1564
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in special management sea areas of Korea: Distribution and bioconcentration in edible fish species
17 Jun 2020 | Mar. Pollut. Bull.
PFAS was found throughout Korean waters in edible fish and bivalves.
Bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl substances in greenhouse vegetables with long-term groundwater irrigation near fluorochemical plants in Fuxin, China
17 Jun 2020 | Environ. Res.
The bioaccumulation efficiencies for PFAS contaminants from soil to vegetables were negatively associated with the carbon chain length in PFAS.
Temporal and spatial analysis of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface waters of Houston ship channel following a large-scale industrial fire incident
16 Jun 2020 | Env. Poll.
This work documents the impact of a large-scale industrial fire on the environmental levels of PFAS, establishes a baseline concentration of PFAS in the affected area, and highlights the critical need for the development of PFAS water quality standards.
Spatiotemporal variations, sources and health risk assessment of perfluoroalkyl substances in a temperate bay adjacent to metropolis, North China
16 Jun 2020 | Env. Poll.
Terrigenous input, tide, and rainfall affected the spatiotemporal variation of PFAS levels.
Review on perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the Chinese atmospheric environment
16 Jun 2020 | Sci. Total Environ.
This review documented twenty-eight studies on PFASs in Chinese outdoor air published to date. Methods of sampling, extraction, cleanup, and instrumental analysis were summarized for both ionic and neutral PFASs.
Strategies for grouping per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to protect human and environmental health
11 Jun 2020 | Environ Sci Process Impacts
This assessment provides the necessary context for grouping strategies such that they can be adopted as they are, or built on further, to protect human and environmental health from potential PFAS-related effects.
New PFAS chemical contamination discovered in New Jersey
10 Jun 2020
Government scientists suspected that the factory was releasing a dangerous PFAS chemical, and they had good reason to think so.
Nontargeted mass-spectral detection of chloroperfluoropolyether carboxylates in New Jersey soils
10 Jun 2020 | Science
The historical legacy-PFAS fingerprint for sources in New Jersey was developed.
In Vivo Generation of PFOA, PFOS, and Other Compounds From Cationic and Zwitterionic Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in a Terrestrial Invertebrate (Lumbricus terrestris)
10 Jun 2020 | ES&T
Earthworms were found to only partially breakdown PFAS indicating that not all fluorinated compounds can be broken down by enzymes.
A pilot study of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in automotive lubricant oils from the United States
10 Jun 2020 | Env. Tech. & Inn.
Long-chain PFAS found lubricant/engine oils.
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) current status and research needs
10 Jun 2020 | Environ. Tech. & Inn.
This paper is intended to capture the shared information, comments, and current thinking related to PFAS challenges and research needs as identified by the group of expert participants; the write up is not intended to be a complete dissertation on the science and work that has been carried out.
Perfluorinated compounds are not necessary: pegylated organosilanes can endow good water sliding/removal properties
10 Jun 2020 | J. Hazard. Mater.
PFAS alternatives using silanes gave water-repellent qualities to surfaces.
Photochemical transformation of perfluoroalkyl acid precursors in water using engineered nanomaterials
10 Jun 2020 | Water Res.
Nano-additives used in packaging and products were found to degrade PFAS precursors into PFOA and PFOS in association with sunlight.
PFAS cleanup backers face unexpected foe: water utilities
9 Jun 2020 | Bloomberg Law
After decades of inaction, the federal government has gotten serious about cleaning up PFAS, a class of compounds known as “forever chemicals” that have been linked to health problems and inhabit the bloodstream of nearly every American
ASDWA publishes new PFAS – source water protection guide and toolkit
5 Jun 2020 | ASDWA
The purpose of the guide and toolkit is to demonstrate and share effective strategies for addressing PFAS contamination risk in source waters that will help inform policy decisions, assist state drinking water programs in protecting public health, and encourage collaboration and communication among states and water utilities.