Showing 166-180 of 214
Multi-box mass balance model of PFOA and PFOS in different regions of San Francisco Bay
17 Mar 2020 | Chemosphere
A model used to predict the fate and levels of PFOA and PFOS in estuaries find the highest levels in South Bay.
[Public comment] Draft scientific opinion on the risks to human health related to the presence of perfluoroalkyl substances in food
24 Feb 2020
The European Food Safety Authority is holding consultation for the proposed PFOA+PFOS+PFHxS+PFNA tolerable weekly intake of 8 ng/kg of body weight per week. Parts of the European population exceed this level with fish, fruit, and eggs being the largest sources of exposure. Comment period ends on April 20, 2020.
The effect of weathering on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from durable water repellent (DWR) clothing
12 Feb 2020 | Chemosphere
Weathering of outdoor clothing can result in an 5-100 fold increase in the varieties of PFAS present.
Mark Ruffalo tells Europeans on the environment: “You guys are the heroes now”
5 Feb 2020 | META
“Industry should not be allowed to sell substances before they are proven safe, but it does… Our children should not be born contaminated with toxic substances, but they are. The EU needs to get a grip on a reckless chemical industry, fast,” said EU Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius.
Perfluoroalkyl substances and brominated flame retardants in landfill-related air, soil, and groundwater from Ireland
3 Feb 2020 | Sci Total Environ.
There was no discernible amount of PFAS or BFRs produced from 10 landfills.
[Press release] Forever chemicals no more
3 Feb 2020 | HEAL
Belgian premiere of Hollywood movie “Dark Waters” highlights reality of PFAS pollution and the urgency to address it through ambitious regulation. According to the Nordic Council of Ministers, some 100,000 sites across Europe are potentially emitting PFAS.
An acute exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid causes non-reversible plasma membrane injury in HeLa cells
2 Feb 2020 | Environ. Poll.
PFAS found to permanently injure cell membranes after a one-time exposure.
Perfluorinated substances in the Flemish population (Belgium): Levels and determinants of variability in exposure
7 Jan 2020 | Chemosphere
Models predict that eating locally grown food and the use of cosmetics may lead to higher exposure of PFAS in Flemish populations.
Concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in human milk from Ireland: Implications for adult and nursing infant exposure
30 Dec 2019 | Chemosphere
PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, and PFHxS were detected in Irish human milk with modeled PFOA intake exceeding health guidelines for some adults.
European countries announce plan to phase out toxic PFAS chemicals by 2030
26 Dec 2019 | The Intercept
Enviornmental officials from Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark today announced a plan to restrict all PFAS compounds under Europe’s chemical regulations framework.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) modify lung surfactant function T and pro-inflammatory responses in human bronchial epithelial cells
25 Dec 2019 | Tox. in Vitro
PFAS exposure associated with acute respiratory problems and airway infections.
Germany proposes PFHxA restriction under REACH
20 Dec 2019
Germany has submitted its intention to restrict PFHxA and related chemicals under REACH. Chemicals in this group are short-chain PFAS used in many consumer products.
ECHA Member State Committee agrees on identification of PFBS and its salts as Substances of Very High Concern
11 Dec 2019
This decision was based on the concerns regarding these substances' very high persistence, high mobility in water and soil, high potential for long-range transport, and difficulty of remediation and water purification as well as moderate bioaccumulation in humans.
Characterization of the chemical contents of fluorinated and fluorine-free firefighting foams using a novel workflow combining non-target screening and total fluorine analysis
10 Dec 2019 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
Firefighting foams marketed as PFAS-Free was found not to contain fluorine.
Fluorine Mass Balance and Suspect Screening in Marine Mammals from the Northern Hemisphere
18 Nov 2019 | ChemRxiv
In a screening of artic animals, 7:3 FTCA was reported in polar bears and cetaceans.