Showing 136-150 of 204
New York Ban On PFAS In Food Packaging Is Now Law
8 Dec 2020
On December 3, 2020, Governor Cuomo took the final step and signed the PFAS food packaging ban it into law, joining Maine and Washington in banning the use of PFAS in food packaging.
New York ban on PFAS in food packaging is now law
7 Dec 2020 | The National Law Review
The bill broadly bans the use of all PFAS and goes into effect in 2023.
Toxic PFAS chemicals discovered in hundreds of products
2 Dec 2020 | The Intercept
Climbing ropes, guitar strings, and hand sanitizer are among the newly reported uses for the toxic “forever” chemicals.
An overview of the uses of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
2 Nov 2020 | Environ Sci Process Impacts
A review found over 1,400 individual PFAS in 200 use categories and subcategories currently on the international marketplace.
Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Linking policy-making with scientific research
21 Oct 2020
The 2020 Food Packaging Forum Workshop will take place online in a virtual format on October 21-23, 2020, under the theme “Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Linking policy-making with scientific research.”
‘We can never get to zero’: Organics recyclers face hard choices in responding to PFAS contamination
19 Oct 2020 | WasteDrive
In January of this year, the Michigan city of Ann Arbor announced a grim discovery: traces of a notorious group of toxic chemicals had cropped up in the city’s compost facility.
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) alter the blood lipidome and the hepatic proteome in a murine model of diet-induced obesity.
7 Oct 2020 | Toxicol. Sci.
PFOS and PFHxS were found to increase the risk of metabolic and inflammatory disease when a diet high in fat was consumed.
Significance of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Food Packaging
30 Sep 2020 | Integr Environ Assess Manag
A proof of concept method was developed using contact angle measurement analysis to determine the detection accuracy of C4-10 PFAS on the surface of recycled paper packaging materials.
OECD report on PFAS alternatives for food packaging
28 Sep 2020 | Food Packaging Forum
A recent OECD report finds non-fluorinated alternatives to PFAS in paper and board coatings available and effective, with market uptake primarily limited by increase in price. The report encourages governments to “further disseminate information on the potential health and environmental risks of PFAS and non-PFAS alternatives” and to “consider funding research into non-PFAS alternatives, including an understanding of their functionality, costs and potential health and environmental risks.”
Understanding, Controlling, and Preventing Exposure to PFAS: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief
22 Sep 2020 | National Academies Press
This publication highlights the presentations and discussions regarding what various sectors can do to advance our understanding of the extent of human exposure to PFAS and to reduce or prevent PFAS exposure.
[Analysis] What do PFAS actions tell us about state regulatory officials?
22 Sep 2020 | Packing World
For one thing, the organization who brought us the model toxics law back in the 1990s that prohibited intentional use of four heavy metals in packaging, is considering amending their model law to include PFAS and phthalates.
Occurrence and dietary intake of Perfluoroalkyl substances in foods of the residents in Beijing, China.
22 Sep 2020 | Food Addit Contam Part B Surveill
Linear-PFASs were commonly found in fish, while PFBS was mainly found in vegetables.
Comparison of the properties of perfluoroalkyl polyoxyethylene ether and alkyl polyoxyethylene ether
21 Sep 2020 | Colloid and Polymer Science
Short-chain PFAS found to outperform non-fluorinated chemicals and was recommended to use in personal and home care and foam applications.
[Press Release] PFAS in food: EFSA assesses risks and sets tolerable intake
17 Sep 2020
When stetting the new, extremely low threshold for PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, and PFHxS, the European Food Safety Authority considered the decreased response of the immune system to vaccination as the most critical human health effect.
ILSI North America Virtual Symposium on Risk Assessment of PFAS in Food
2 Sep 2020
This session will address risk characterization with a focus on exposure routes and toxicology, and will build on the first session on PFAS Analytical Methodology which was held June 23rd.