Showing 1966-1980 of 2007
Fluorine Mass Balance and Suspect Screening in Marine Mammals from the Northern Hemisphere
17 Mar 2020 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
Novel PFAS was found in polar bears and large marine mammals and characterized through a multi-platform approach.
A Pilot Study of the Fluorinated Ingredient of Scotchgard Products and Their Levels in WWTP Sludge and Landfill Leachate from Sweden
16 Mar 2020 | DiVA
For both the sludge and leachate samples, the quantified levels of Pre-2002 and Post-2002 only contributed to a minor part of the extractable organofluorine.
DOD releases PFAS task force progress report
13 Mar 2020
Concurrent with the release of the report, the department is releasing a consolidated inventory of 651 DOD and National Guard installations where the department is performing an assessment of PFAS use or potential release.
Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances in a Cohort of Women Firefighters and Office Workers in San Francisco
3 Mar 2020 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
Women firefighters are exposed to higher levels of some PFAS compared to office workers, suggesting that some of these exposures may be occupationally related.
Environmental contamination and human exposure to PFASs near a fluorochemical production plant: Review of historic and current PFOA and GenX contamination in the Netherlands
3 Mar 2020 | Environ Int
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of PFOA and GenX contamination close to point sources in the Netherlands.
Impacts of food contact chemicals on human health: a consensus statement
2 Mar 2020 | Environmental Health
33 scientists wrote a peer-reviewed consensus statement highlighting toxic chemicals in food packaging and recommended improvements to protect human health.
Serum Levels of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Adolescents and Young Adults Exposed to Contaminated Drinking Water in the Veneto Region, Italy: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on a Health Surveillance Program.
26 Feb 2020 | Environ. Health Perspect.
Blood serum PFOA concentrations were high relative to concentrations in populations with background residential exposures only.
Determinants of serum concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in school children and the contribution of low-level PFAA-contaminated drinking water
18 Feb 2020 | Environ Sci Process Impacts
The drinking water variable was found to be 16% (PFOA) to 78% (PFHxS) of the variation in serum PFAA concentrations, suggesting that low-level-contaminated drinking water is a significant source of exposure for children in Sweden.
Global list of PFAS Guideline Values
18 Feb 2020
A global compilation of PFAS guideline values for water, soil, and other matrices, as well as total daily intakes and blood health values.
Fecal Excretion of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Pets from New York State, United States
13 Feb 2020 | Environ Sci Technol. Let.
The estimated daily fecal excretion suggested that both dogs and cats are exposed to some PFASs at doses above the provisional minimum risk level recommended for humans.
Contaminants, prolactin and parental care in an Arctic seabird: Contrasted associations of perfluoroalkyl substances and organochlorine compounds with egg-turning behavior
12 Feb 2020 | Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.
Increased levels of PFAS were associated with lowered nutrition levels and angular changes in birds.
Perfluoroalkyl substances increase susceptibility of northern leopard frog tadpoles to trematode infection
4 Feb 2020 | Environ Toxicol Chem.
Exposure to PFAS leads to decreased ability to fight off parasites in juvenile frogs.
The Toxicology Forum: 44th Annual Winter Meeting
3 Feb 2020
During the Toxicology Forum on Monday, January 27, 2020, a session focused on the new methodologies in risk characterization of PFAS as well as challenges and opportunities in PFAS research.
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in maternal serum: Method development and application in Pilot Study of the Japan Environment and Children's Study
3 Feb 2020 | J.of Chrom. A
A new method of detecting 28 different PFAS in human blood was developed.
Gov. officials signal alarm on PFAS
30 Jan 2020 |
Gov. Mike DeWine has since directed the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and Ohio Department of Health to undertake further testing in order to get a better understanding of PFAS contamination in water sources throughout the state.