Showing 511-513 of 513
Reconnaissance of Mixed Organic and Inorganic Chemicals in Private and Public Supply Tapwaters at Selected Residential and Workplace Sites in the United States
21 Nov 2018 | Env. Sci. & Tech.
USGS scientists tested 25 tap water sources from across the U.S. detecting PFAS in 84%, although some at low levels.
[Presentation] A Further Examination Of A Subset Of UCMR 3 PFAS Data Demonstrates Wider Occurrence
8 Dec 2017
A presentation from Andy Eaton.
Reconstructing the Composition of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Contemporary Aqueous Film-Forming Foams
1 Mar 1921 | Environ Sci Technol Lett
A combination of methods can accurately assign the total PFAS mass attributable to AFFF in an aqueous sample with differentiation of gross precursor classes and identification of major precursor species.