Showing 901-915 of 1057
Dietary Habits Related to Food Packaging and Population Exposure to PFASs
11 Oct 2019 | Envir. Health Pers.
A study found the consumption of meals from fast-food restaurants associated with higher PFAS blood levels and lower with food prepared and eaten at home.
‘Forever chemicals’ are in your popcorn—and your blood
10 Oct 2019 | Wired
According to a recently published peer-reviewed study, the more often people eat at home, the lower their level of PFAS chemicals. Also, people who reported eating microwave popcorn had significantly higher levels of four types of PFAS. Additionally, the study linked PFAS levels in blood to a diet high in shellfish, which can accumulate those chemicals from contaminated water.
Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances in selected Victorian rivers and estuaries: An historical snapshot
30 Sep 2019 | Heliyon
PFAS found in the Australian countryside highlights that contamination is not just an issue for more densely populated countries in the northern hemisphere.
Children's exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids - a modelling approach
30 Sep 2019 | Environ Sci Process Impacts
Finnish cohort study shows constant exposure to PFOA and PFOS between 1 and 10.5 years of age.
Michigan steps closer to PFAS standards for drinking water
28 Sep 2019 | Traverse City Record Eagle
The Michigan PFAS Action Response Team unanimously voted to draft rules founded on the health-based values recommended by a science advisory work group.
EPA: 3M discharged chemicals without required permit, took years to disclose reporting errors
26 Sep 2019 | WHNT News 19
A U.S. EPA inspection report found high levels of perfluorinated chemicals from discharge sites, noted 3M lacks a state discharge permit for a chemical that it's already been discharging and pointed out 3M waited three years to inform regulators about hundreds of instances of incorrect discharge information it had filed.
Point source characterization of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and extractable organofluorine (EOF) in freshwater and aquatic invertebrates
25 Sep 2019 | Environ Sci Process Impacts
Exposure rates in invertebrates used to characterize PFAS around fire training sites.
Evaluation of human biomonitoring data in a health risk based context: An updated analysis of population level data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey
24 Sep 2019 | Int J Hyg Environ Health
Smokers found to have high levels of PFOS and PFOA, which led to increased risk of cancer.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) modify lung surfactant function and pro-inflammatory responses in human bronchial epithelial cells
24 Sep 2019 | Toxicol In Vitro
PFAS exposure may increase the risk of acute lung toxicity and airway infections.
A mortality study on male subjects exposed to polyfluoroalkyl acids with high internal dose of perfluorooctanoic acid
23 Sep 2019 | Environ Res.
High occupational exposure to PFAS correlated to a higher probability of mortality from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
PFAS Experts Symposium: Statements on regulatory policy, chemistry and analytics, toxicology, transport/fate, and remediation for per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination issues
23 Sep 2019 | Remediation
Sixty leading experts provide a consensus statement regarding issues concerning PFAS.
Defluorination of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) by Acidimicrobium sp. Strain A6
23 Sep 2019 | ACS Pub.
Bacteria found to defluorinate PFOA and PFOS up to 60% in a lab.
New Zealand: Consulting on further restrictions on firefighting foams containing PFAS
21 Sep 2019
New Zealand currently prohibits firefighting foams containing PFOS and PFOA. The proposed amendments add further restrictions on firefighting foams containing other PFAS. Comments due: Monday, December 2, 2019 at 5 PM New Zealand | Sunday, 1 December, 2019 at 8 PM Pacific.
New science on PFAS chemicals should mobilize our senators
19 Sep 2019 | The Fayetteville Observer
A peer-reviewed study, published this month in the prestigious Chemical Engineeri Journal, found short-chain PFAS chemicals, like GenX, are more widely detected, more persistent, and more mobile than long-chain PFAS chemicals they were designed to replace--such as PFOA and PFOS... This is profound news considering PFAS chemical makers, like Chemours, continue to claim GenX and other short-chain PFAS are safer replacements.
EPA allowed companies to make 40 new PFAS chemicals despite serious risks
19 Sep 2019 | The Intercept
Despite their dangers, at least 15 of these 40 PFAS compounds that were the subject of substantial risk reports are not only on the most recent list of compounds in active use but also are produced in very large quantities.