Showing 1471-1485 of 1874
Environmental and dietary exposure of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid in the Nakdong River, Korea
22 Sep 2020 | Environ Geochem Health
Crops were found to be a significant and underappreciated pathway for human exposure to PFAS in areas with heavy pollution.
Occurrence and dietary intake of Perfluoroalkyl substances in foods of the residents in Beijing, China.
22 Sep 2020 | Food Addit Contam Part B Surveill
Linear-PFASs were commonly found in fish, while PFBS was mainly found in vegetables.
Temporal trends of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Delaware River fish, USA
22 Sep 2020 | Integr Environ Assess Manag
PFNA, PFUnA, and PFOS were found in fish at levels exceeding recommended regional risk advisory limits on fish consumption.
Coronavirus creates delay in Pentagon research for alternative to 'forever chemicals,' official says
15 Sep 2020 | The Hill
The coronavirus has caused a delay in researching alternatives to using cancer-linked chemicals in military firefighting foam, the director of the Defense Department’s Strategic Environment Research and Development Program said Tuesday.
Multiphase distribution and spatial patterns of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) associated with catchment characteristics in a plain river network
15 Sep 2020 | Chemosphere
PFAS were found to travel and accumulate in different parts of river systems.
Animal size impacts perfluoroalkyl acid (PFAA) concentrations in muscle tissue of estuarine fish and invertebrate species
15 Sep 2020 | Env. Poll.
Weight and PFAS concentrations were inversely related in estuarine and marine invertebrates.
Legacy and Novel Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Juvenile Seabirds from the US Atlantic Coast
15 Sep 2020 | Environ Sci Technol .
These results detail concentrations of legacy and novel PFAS across different marine ecosystems along the US Atlantic East Coast.
Advanced PFAS precursor digestion methods for biosolids
15 Sep 2020 | Environ. Chem.
A review of current PFAS-detection methods found them significantly underestimating total PFAS-loads in wastewater and biosolid matrices.
Assessing the Ecological Risks of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Current State-of-the Science and a Proposed Path Forward.
15 Sep 2020 | Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
This paper summarizes discussions concerning ecotoxicology and ecological risks of PFAS.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in contaminated coastal marine waters of the Saudi Arabian Red Sea: a baseline study
15 Sep 2020 | Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
PFHxA, PFHxS, and 6:2 FTS were the most prevalent PFAS in the Red Sea.
Lethal and sublethal toxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in chronic tests with Hyalella azteca (amphipod) and early-life stage tests with Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow).
15 Sep 2020 | Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.
Long-term toxicity of PFOA exposure was investigated using model organisms.
CFPUA asks to join Chemours lawsuit as new, previously unknown PFAS identified in the water
10 Sep 2020 | Port City Daily
The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority is contending that it should be granted equal standing in negotiations for a lawsuit against Chemours, in which the state is arguing that Chemours has allowed undue levels of PFAS into the drinking water of some New Hanover County residents.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl contaminated freshwater impacts adjacent riparian food webs
9 Sep 2020 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
PFAS were found to contaminate riparian food webs through insects such as dragon- and damselflies.
Perfluoroalkyl acids and sulfonamides and dietary, biological and ecological associations in peregrine falcons from the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin, Canada
9 Sep 2020 | Environ. Res.
The study's findings highlighted the importance of integrating dietary, biological, and ecological factors when studying PFAS exposure in birds.
Broad ‘fishnet’ PFAS testing worries industry, helps regulators
8 Sep 2020 | Bloomberg Law
North Carolina, the EPA, and an international standards organization want to use a method for detecting known and unknown “forever chemicals” in water that the chemical industry opposes for being too broad.