PFAS Central: sharing notable news, scientific papers & events

Although useful, PFAS or highly fluorinated chemicals are associated with serious health harm and can remain in the environment forever.

Latest News

Cost of dealing with PFAS problem sites ‘frightening’, says Environment Agency

15 Oct 2024 | The Guardian

EA warns it lacks budget to tackle England’s rising number of potential ‘forever chemicals’ locations.

Medical Moment: Scientists discover how dangerous exposure to PFAS chemicals can be

11 Oct 2024 |

PFAS can cause increased cholesterol levels, lower immunity, and some cancers. And now a new study out of the University of Cincinnati shows that exposure to PFAS may impact young girls.

Rural Missouri groups threaten lawsuit over PFAS in meatpacking sludge

11 Oct 2024 | Missouri Independent

Meatpacking waste sludge is spread as fertilizer on farmland and can wash into waterways.

The scale of the problem of replacing ‘forever chemicals’ PFAS

10 Oct 2024 | Chemistry World

Nearly 15,000 substances are thought to belong to the family of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which have been linked to a range of environmental and health problems.

Fall River firefighter wins years-long fight against PFAS in gear. What does he do now?

9 Oct 2024 | The Herald News

After six years, Jason Burns feels he’s earned a quick breather. Then it’s back to the job of trying to save lives.

Latest Science

Fluorotelomer Alcohol (FTOH) Emission Rates from New and Old Rain Jackets to Air Determined by Iodide High-Resolution Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry

16 Oct 2024 | Indoor Environments

Older rain jackets released high amounts of fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs) into indoor air, raising concerns about indoor PFAS exposure through clothing, and even newer “PFAS-free” jackets emitted small amounts of PFAS, likely through contamination during transport or storage.

Comprehensive analysis of PFAS presence from environment to plate

16 Oct 2024 | npj Science of Food volume

Fish, seafood, and biota show the highest PFAS concentrations due to environmental contamination and bioaccumulation, along along with frequent detections in surface water, raising concerns about long-term ecological and human health effects.

Partitioning of Neutral PFAS in Homes and Release to the Outdoor Environment: Results from the IPA Campaign

10 Oct 2024 | Indoor Environments

A study measuring neutral PFAS in 11 North Carolina homes found that (fluorotelomer alcohols) FTOHs dominate in dust, HAC filter, and dryer lint samples, while perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs) are most prevalent in airborne particles.

Serum per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) levels and health-related biomarkers in a pilot study of skiers in New England

8 Oct 2024 | Environ Res

Ski coaches were found to have elevated levels of PFAS through ski wax exposure as well as higher cholesterol levels, suggesting a need for interventions to reduce PFAS in ski waxes and limit environmental release.

Skin Permeability of Perfluorocarboxylic Acids Using Flow-Through Diffusion on Porcine Skin

7 Oct 2024 | Toxics

Using porcine skin, PFBA showed higher skin permeability compared to other PFAS, and although overall absorption was low, these chemicals can accumulate in the skin, potentially acting as a long-term reservoir. Using porcine skin, PFBA showed higher skin permeability compared to other PFAS, and although overall absorption was low, these chemicals can accumulate in the skin, potentially acting as a long-term reservoir.

Latest Policy

Brown Demands That Department of Defense Block Further PFAS Incineration in East Liverpool

10 Oct 2024

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) called on the Department of Defense to block the resumption of incineration as an approved PFAS disposal method in East Liverpool and communities across the country. PFAS – perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances – often referred to as “forever chemicals” – pose a threat to public health and is designated by the EPA as a hazardous substance.

Kildee Leads Bipartisan Effort to Protect Michigan Residents from Harmful PFAS Chemicals

9 Oct 2024

Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-08),co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional PFAS Task Force, joined Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) in sending a letter to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General Robert Storch requesting an updated report on DoD’s efforts to clean up toxic PFAS chemicals at military sites—and in surrounding communities—in Michigan.

EPA’s drinking water limits for PFAS are under threat – and that’s nothing new

2 Oct 2024

Though utilities’ mission is to provide clean water, their trade groups for decades have often fiercely opposed initiatives to improve quality.

EPA Seeks Data on PFAS-Generating Plastics Process to Shape Rule

27 Sep 2024

The EPA is asking companies and the public for information about a plastic-strengthening process that can create PFAS, so the agency can decide whether and how to regulate the production of such plastics.

How the U.S. Military Plans to Tackle Its ‘Forever Chemical’ Problem

25 Sep 2024

The DoD acknowledges its role in creating the PFAS mess and, nominally at least, insists that it is taking steps to clean it up both on military bases and in the affected communities off-base.


[Job] EPA Fellowship on Application of Non-Targeted Analysis of PFAS in Biota

Event: 8 Nov 2024

A research training opportunity is available at the EPA, Office of Research and Development, Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, Atlantic Coastal Environmental Sciences Division located in Narragansett, Rhode Island.

[Job] Principal Scientist at The Green Science Policy Institute

Event: 29 Nov 2024

The Green Science Policy Institute would like to hire a Principal Scientist to collaborate with and support the Executive Director and Institute team in carrying out the Institute’s mission to reduce the use of harmful chemicals for healthier products, people, and planet.

[Public comment] US FDA developing post-market assessment process for chemicals in food

Event: 6 Dec 2024

Informational meeting on the proposal will be held on September 25, 2024. Public comment period ends on December 6, 2024

PFAS Central Partners

Green Science Policy Institute Northeastern University Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute