Showing 886-900 of 996
Landmark class action over PFAS contamination in Australia announced by Erin Brockovich
29 Sep 2019 | ABC News
It's the largest class action Australia has ever seen — four times larger than the Black Saturday class action of 2009 — and involves people across the country.
Temple researchers will look at link between PFAS and cancer
27 Sep 2019
Researchers at Temple University’s College of Public Health have been awarded a grant to look at potential links between PFAS-contaminated drinking water and cancer as part of a national, federally funded health study. The study will involve seven sites across the country, including Bucks and Montgomery counties in Pennsylvania and Gloucester County in New Jersey.
Drinking water serving 7.5 million Californians contaminated with ‘forever chemicals,’ new report says
27 Sep 2019 | CNN Wire
According to the EWG review of water samples taken between 2013 and 2019, water sources for 74 community water systems -- serving 7.5 million people in California -- have been contaminated with PFAS.
Silent Spring Institute awarded $1M to study health impacts of PFAS in drinking water
26 Sep 2019 | The Barnstable Patriot
The team plans to collect blood samples from 1,000 adults and 300 children in two communities in Eastern Massachusetts—Hyannis and Ayer—where public drinking water supplies have been contaminated by PFAS from the use of firefighting foams at nearby fire training areas.
Peters' resolution to phase out PFAS in fire fighting foam passes Senate
25 Sep 2019 | WKZO AM/FM
The unanimously passed resolution is calling for the final National Defense bill sent to the President to include a provision prohibiting the Department of Defense from using firefighting foams containing PFAS by the end of 2023.
3M to halt production of undisclosed chemicals at Decatur plant
19 Sep 2019 | to WHNT News 19
3M indicated in a statement to to WHNT News 19: "we have elected to temporarily idle certain manufacturing processes. We will resume these processes as soon as practicable.”
EPA refuses to promise federal limit on PFOA exposure
18 Sep 2019 | Times Union
David Ross, assistant administrator for the EPA's Office of Water, could not promise that a [PFAS] maximum contamination level would definitely be set until their evaluation is complete... But a decision on setting a federal standard should be made before the end of the year.
Chemical company execs come under fire at congressional hearing on PFAS
18 Sep 2019 | North Carolina Health News
For the first time, executives from Chemours, DuPont and 3M were called before a U.S. House environmental oversight committee to discuss their accountability in the PFAS contamination plaguing North Carolina and the country.
Hazardous PFAS chemicals in Georgia’s drinking water
16 Sep 2019 | Journ of Sci. Policy & Gov.
Policy memo recommends the state of Georgia adopts a maximum contaminant level for PFAS of 27 ppt, in water.
‘Forever chemicals’ now found in Massachusetts schools
9 Sep 2019 | Boston Globe
The water fountains [at the schools in Stow] have been turned off. The state decided to test the water in Stow because of the schools’ proximity to the former Fort Devens-Sudbury Training Annex... wells at the Hale School had a cumulative total of more than 38 ppt of five of the chemicals; the Center School had more than 24 ppt.
Rapid removal of poly- and perfluorinated compounds from investigation- derived waste (IDW) in a pilot-scale plasma reactor
9 Sep 2019 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
PFAS were removed with up to 99% efficiency in well water.
Lawmakers push for state limit on PFAS in Delaware drinking water
6 Sep 2019 | Delaware Public Media
Leaders of the State Senate Environmental and Natural Resources Committee and House Natural Resources Committee sent a letter 1 to Gov. John Carney asking him to direct the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Department of Health and Social Services to develop MCL rulemakings for PFAS in public drinking water.
New Hampshire Governor signs bills addressing PFAS in firefighting foam, furniture
3 Sep 2019 | Concord Monitor
A law signed by Gov. Chris Sununu would require fire departments to turn over older stocks of firefighting foam to the state, prohibit them from purchasing more foam containing PFAS, and restrict them from using existing foam except in specific circumstances.
PFAS toxins found in drinking water throughout Southern California
3 Sep 2019 | The Orange County Register
Wells of nearly two dozen Southern California water agencies have reportable levels of PFAS, a chemical family increasingly linked to cancer, liver and kidney damage, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, low fertility, low birth weight and ulcerative colitis.
Germany, Southeastern Bavaria: PFOA and ADONA releases from 3M/Dyneon fluropolymer plant
29 Aug 2019
Available resources on PFOA and ADONA releases from 3M/Dyneon fluropolymer plant around Gendorf/Altötting, Germany