Showing 916-930 of 1056
New science on PFAS chemicals should mobilize our senators
19 Sep 2019 | The Fayetteville Observer
A peer-reviewed study, published this month in the prestigious Chemical Engineeri Journal, found short-chain PFAS chemicals, like GenX, are more widely detected, more persistent, and more mobile than long-chain PFAS chemicals they were designed to replace--such as PFOA and PFOS... This is profound news considering PFAS chemical makers, like Chemours, continue to claim GenX and other short-chain PFAS are safer replacements.
EPA allowed companies to make 40 new PFAS chemicals despite serious risks
19 Sep 2019 | The Intercept
Despite their dangers, at least 15 of these 40 PFAS compounds that were the subject of substantial risk reports are not only on the most recent list of compounds in active use but also are produced in very large quantities.
Microbe chews through PFAS and other tough contaminants
18 Sep 2019 |
The researchers were very encouraged to see these bacteria [Acidimicrobium bacterium A6] substantially degrade the famously recalcitrant class of chemicals but cautioned that more work was needed before reaching a workable treatment.
Chemical company execs come under fire at congressional hearing on PFAS
18 Sep 2019 | North Carolina Health News
For the first time, executives from Chemours, DuPont and 3M were called before a U.S. House environmental oversight committee to discuss their accountability in the PFAS contamination plaguing North Carolina and the country.
Isomers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and uric acid in adults: Isomers of C8 Health Project in China
17 Sep 2019 | Environ Int.
Uric acid levels, a predictor of kidney function and health, was found to vary depending on amounts of PFAS.
Hazardous PFAS chemicals in Georgia’s drinking water
16 Sep 2019 | Journ of Sci. Policy & Gov.
Policy memo recommends the state of Georgia adopts a maximum contaminant level for PFAS of 27 ppt, in water.
Companies deny responsibility for toxic ‘forever chemicals’ contamination
11 Sep 2019 | The Guardian
The 3M Company, the Chemours Company and DuPont appeared before lawmakers over PFAS. Denise Rutherford, senior vice-president of corporate affairs for 3M, argued the chemicals pose no human health threats at current levels and have no victims, conflicting with a large body of research and 3M’s own internal documents.
Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in children’s serum and contribution from PFAA contaminated drinking water
10 Sep 2019 | ACS Pub.
Total nursing time was associated with PFAS levels in children up to 4 years old.
An investigation into per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in nineteen Australian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)
10 Sep 2019 | Heliyon
6:2 FTS and other PFAS were found to dominate Australian wastewater.
Rapid removal of poly- and perfluorinated compounds from investigation- derived waste (IDW) in a pilot-scale plasma reactor
9 Sep 2019 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
PFAS were removed with up to 99% efficiency in well water.
At Michigan schools, urgent PFAS response no guarantee
5 Sep 2019 | MLive
The state tested about 1,380 public water systems and 460 schools, daycares and Head Start centers on well water. However the State currently lacks authority to force schools to take any measures.
New Hampshire bans PFAS in firefighting foam
4 Sep 2019
New Hampshire has banned firefighting foams containing perfluoroalkyl chemicals.
Denmark just became the first country to ban PFAS 'forever chemicals' from food packaging
4 Sep 2019 | CNN
Under Denmark's new regulation food packaging, for example, baking paper, and microwave popcorn bags will be required to be manufactured without any PFAS.
Elucidating the fate of perfluorooctanoate sulfonate using a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) physiologically-based toxicokinetic model
4 Sep 2019 | Sci. Total Environ.
PFAS was traced throughout the body of rainbow trout to determine distribution and routes of elimination.
Spatiotemporal distribution and isomer profiles of perfluoroalkyl acids in airborne particulate matter in Chengdu City, China
3 Sep 2019 | Sci. of Total Env.
PFNA was the dominate airborne PFAS in spring while PFOA dominated winter, summer, and autumn months.