Showing 2686-2700 of 3147
Vermont Senate passes bill banning PFAS from consumer products
27 May 2020
The Vermont state Senate passed bill S. 295, restricting the manufacture, sale, and distribution of firefighting foam, food packaging, rugs, and carpets containing PFAS.
Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant long-term performance of granular activated carbon (GAC) and influence of flow-rate
27 May 2020 | Water Res.
The results and methods presented in this study give drinking water providers valuable tools for the operation of a full-scale treatment train for the removal of PFAS in contaminated raw water.
Perfluoroalkyl Substances Exposure and Hearing Impairment in US Adults
27 May 2020 | Environ. Res.
PFNA and PFDA were associated with high-frequency hearing impairment, while PFOS and PFOA were not.
Vermont Senate passes bill to protect Vermont firefighters and families from toxic chemicals
27 May 2020 | Mountain Times
S.295 targets four different areas of consumer products: food packaging, firefighting foam, residential carpets and rugs, and children’s products.
Interactions of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and 6:2 chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonate (6:2 Cl-PFESA) with human serum albumin (HSA): A comparative study
27 May 2020 | Chem. Res. Toxicol.
The stronger binding affinity of 6:2 Cl-PFESA to human blood cells may contribute to its higher bioaccumulation potential than PFOS.
Integrative omics analyses uncover the mechanism underlying the immunotoxicity of perfluorooctanesulfonate in human lymphocytes
27 May 2020 | Chemosphere
The findings of this study offer insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the immunotoxicity of PFOS and open the potential of using the identified PFOS-responsive genes and lipids as biomarkers for risk assessment.
Understanding and Managing the Potential By‐Products of PFAS Destruction
26 May 2020 | Ground. Mon. & Rem.
Based on the available technologies relevant to PFAS destruction, complex aqueous solutions containing high concentrations of PFAS have the potential to generate either known short-chain PFAAs or other secondary effects on water quality.
Michigan State launches new PFAS research center
20 May 2020
The primary goals of the Center are to quantify exposure and risk for people, livestock, crops, fish and wildlife, to develop and test remediation strategies and technologies and to explore safer PFAS alternatives.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in blood of captive Siberian tigers in China: Occurrence and association with biochemical parameters
19 May 2020 | Env Poll
Ten PFASs were detected in the blood of captive Siberian tigers, including PFOS alternative 6:2 Cl-PFESA, primarily from the consumption of PFAS-contaminated meat.
Perfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure Was Negatively Associated With Cortisone Levels in Pregnancy
19 May 2020 | J Endocr Soc
Early pregnancy concentrations of maternal PFAS were inversely associated with late pregnancy cortisone levels, indicating potential endocrine disruption in highly exposed mothers.
Investigation of Levels of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Surface Water, Sediment and Fish Tissue in New Jersey, USA
19 May 2020 | Sci of Total Env
PFOS, PFDA, PFUnA, and PFDoA were the predominant PFAS detected in fish tissue with the highest levels downstream of a military facility.
Association of perfluoroalkyl substances with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia in the MIREC study.
19 May 2020 | Environ Int
Higher levels of PFHxS were associated with the development of preeclampsia during pregnancy.
Adverse effects of in vitro GenX exposure on rat thyroid cell viability, DNA integrity and thyroid-related genes expression.
19 May 2020 | Environ. Pollut.
GenX exposure is associated with endocrine disruption by damaging the thyroid cell's DNA.
Federal grand jury wraps with no criminal charges for Chemours
18 May 2020 |
The company said that, though the federal criminal case is no longer a threat, "it is not possible at this point to predict the timing, course, or outcome of all governmental and regulatory inquiries and notices and litigation."
Swapping CFCs for other chemicals may have led to contaminated food
16 May 2020 | Brinkwire
A recent study emphasizes the importance of properly studying the replacement compounds to catch any problems before they can adversely impact human health and the environment.