Showing 1006-1015 of 1015
Identification of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Cape Fear River by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Nontargeted Screening
17 Apr 2019 | Environ. Sci. Technol.
Non-target screening for PFAS in the Cape Fear River of North Carolina found what is thought to represent byproducts of different flurorochemical production lines.
U.S. Congress: H.R. 1567, the "Prompt and Fast Action to Stop Damages Act of 2019
6 Mar 2019
Rep. Lujan, Ben Ray (D-NM) introduced this bill would authorize the Department of Defense to provide clean uncontaminated water for agricultural purposes to areas affected by PFOS and PFOA contamination from military installations.
New Hampshire proposed MCLs and AGQS for a number of PFAS
2 Jan 2019
New Hampshire proposed Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and Ambient Groundwater Quality Standards (AGQS): PFOA (38 ppt), PFOS (70 ppt), PFOA & PFOS (combined: 70 ppt), PFHxS (85 ppt), PFNA (23 ppt).
DuPont has spread its pollution around the world. Now it wants to filter your contaminated drinking water
11 Dec 2018 | The Intercept
DuPont opened a factory in Saudi Arabia that will produce reverse osmosis water filters. The filters use ultra-thin membranes to remove water impurities, including PFAS — chemicals made and used by DuPont that have caused widespread water contamination around the world... “DuPont has learned the art of making money coming and going,” said Telsey. “They profited off the environmental contamination and now can profit on cleaning it up. It’s quite a feat.”...
Reconnaissance of Mixed Organic and Inorganic Chemicals in Private and Public Supply Tapwaters at Selected Residential and Workplace Sites in the United States
21 Nov 2018 | Env. Sci. & Tech.
USGS scientists tested 25 tap water sources from across the U.S. detecting PFAS in 84%, although some at low levels.
[Recording] U.S. Senate Subcommittee Hearing: The Federal Role in the Toxic PFAS Chemical Crisis
26 Sep 2018
A recording and supporting information from a September 26, 2018 U.S. Senate Federal Spending Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on the Federal Role in the Toxic PFAS Chemical Crisis.
[Recording] U.S. House Subcommittee Hearing: Perfluorinated Chemicals in the Environment
6 Sep 2018
U.S. House Subcommittee on Environment held a hearing on Thursday, September 6, 2018 entitled “Perfluorinated Chemicals in the Environment: An Update on the Response to Contamination and Challenges Presented.”
[Presentation] A Further Examination Of A Subset Of UCMR 3 PFAS Data Demonstrates Wider Occurrence
8 Dec 2017
A presentation from Andy Eaton.
Reconstructing the Composition of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Contemporary Aqueous Film-Forming Foams
1 Mar 1921 | Environ Sci Technol Lett
A combination of methods can accurately assign the total PFAS mass attributable to AFFF in an aqueous sample with differentiation of gross precursor classes and identification of major precursor species.
Emerging Chlorinated Polyfluorinated Polyether Compounds Impacting the Waters of Southwestern New Jersey Identified by Use of Nontargeted Analysis
16 Feb 1921 | Environ Sci Technol Lett
Non-targeted analysis was used to estimate the effectiveness of point-of-entry water treatment systems for the removal of the emerging species and reduced the abundance of PFAS by >90%.